Using Lines in Photography to Lead Viewers
Every object has lines to it and understanding these lines is the first step to using them.
If you use your lines to lead people somewhere then these lines are known as leading lines and they draw a viewer's attention to a certain something that lies at the end of their lines.
For example, if you are viewing a street head-on with lines leading to some distant point then a viewer's attention is undoubtedly going to be drawn towards that point.
Taking photographs while taking this into account is a trick that is worth mastering.
At the same time it is worth noting that lines in photography need not necessarily be 'visible' lines.
Some invisible lines work just as well when you start taking photographs using them.
For example if you have a close up of a person's face as he or she stares intently at a certain object then viewers are bound to follow the invisible line of that person's sight in order to see what they're staring at.
By taking photographs that correctly position the lines in question so that they lead to an element that you wish accentuated, you can effectively 'guide' viewers to see the photograph as you want them to see it.
This is the main advantage of putting the lines in photography to use and it is one that you should not miss out on.
Try it out for yourself the next time you're taking photographs.
Stop and observe the lines around you as we advised that you do in the beginning of this article.
Then, based on what you now know, try to see how you can use them to your advantage.
With time and practice, you'll find that you gradually begin to master this incredible art.