The Rise of Womanhood
Hi how are you? I am sure you must be doing well and you must be feeling extremely happy and content from deep within.
You know even I am feeling exactly the same.
That's the way we all should feel as that's the only way to be "one with nature" and bring lots of positivity in our lives.
But for any reason if you are feeling low, lonely, stressed out or distressed, don't worry.
It happens and it's a phase that everybody goes through.
Even I have gone through it.
Rise of womanhood: The real meaning Now let me tell you the reason why I am communicating to you.
I am communicating to tell you that it's time for a new beginning, a new thinking based on the rise of womanhood.
The Dictionary meaning of womanhood means the coming of age of a woman in the physical sense.
But here when I am talking about the rise of womanhood I mean a lot more.
I mean the rise of the "essence" of womanhood in the physical, mental, intellectual and the spiritual sense.
Womanhood is that divine aspect of nature which personifies love, compassion, nurturing, healing and unification of forces.
It is also a feeling of deep awareness of the vast universe that is within us and the ever expanding universe that is around us.
Womanhood is that awakening which establishes "a connect" between our inner self and the external surroundings.
It is feeling of balance and oneness with nature.
It is feeling of universal freedom which is creative, constructive & generative in nature.
Womanhood is to fly like a bee in a beautiful garden full of flowers or soar in the sky and fly like a swan crossing distinct lands and oceans.
It's a feeling of freedom, happiness and fun and it's an attitude to live a life to the fullest for the sake of your own self as well as for others.
Rise of womanhood: The New beginning In this world of ruthless action, selfishness and unabashed individualism the essence of womanhood brings a wave of welcome change with the message of universal love, compassion, nurturing and healing.
It is a unifying force which shows the way to connect back to our soul and a way to live a life which is purposeful and meaningful for us as well as the world at large.
Womanhood signifies a new beginning, it signifies birth and it shows the eternal truth that essentially this universe is creative and generative in nature and everything that is there and everything that happens in this universe though random has a purpose.
In that sense everything has to be accepted whether it is good or bad, weak or strong with the awareness that bad can be changed into good and the weak can become strong with the touch of love, compassion, nurturing & healing.
Rise of Womanhood: Transcending the boundaries Womanhood is essentially an integral attribute of the feminine gender but now time has come for the transcendence and rise of womanhood above gender, race, religion, caste or any other social or political structures.
For this to happen the womenfolk have to come together and assert as a collective force in every aspect of life whether it be the social, economical, political or religious aspect of life.
This is required to bring the balance in the world which is moving towards utter chaos and instability because of a patriarchal order based on power and ruthless action.
Rise of Womanhood: Being aware of the negativity Today, if you closely analyze you will find everything to be so unreal and fake and every aspect about our society and the world seems to be so negative and manipulative.
Just detach yourself from all of it for a moment, suspend yourself above all this and then look downwards.
How do you feel now? What can you see below? Death in the form of the physical, intellectual, mental and spiritual degeneration, selfishness, hatred, corruption, power politics, manipulations, exploitations, unabashed self-oriented materialism, never ending consumption of natural resources, lack of caring for others, superficial projections, dearth of originality, fearfulness, caste equations and religious equations.
The origin of all these negativity is the excessive projection of the masculine principle.
It is so true that Mars who represents men is so foolish by disposition that he is only involved with war, death and mayhem.
Mars needs the grace of the feminine to become rational and balanced.
Rise of Womanhood: Bringing out the feminine So friend, as a Woman it is in your hand to bring out the soothing and calming effect of the womanhood for the benefit of the entire humanity, the nature and the universe.
For this you need to understand your inner self.
You need to rekindle the womanhood and the feminine principle which is naturally an essential part of you.
You need to manifest the feminine energy unto this world to restore the balance that is so much needed.
You need to rise along with your sisters as a common force of sisterhood to bring a sustained and long term change in the world.
Without this happening the world is doomed for a terrible fate.
Rise of Womanhood: Awakening the feminine principle Awakening the feminine principle awakens the super conscious mind.
This is unlike the masculine principle which resides in the reptilian brain and the subconscious mind.
The feminine principle is responsible for the larger world view, is responsible for love, compassion, nurturing and healing leading to the unification of forces.
Combining this natural force of the feminine that is bestowed in you with the positive masculine force of action can lead to profound change in you, the world and the universe.
For this to happen you need to live a fuller life encompassing much more than just a professional life or a personal life which focuses on self-interest.
You need to transcend your self-oriented living to establish a larger purpose of life which involves you as well as many others in the society.
This will help you to connect with your soul and live a fuller life as per the desire of your heart and your soul.
Then you will start appreciating the manifestation of the feminine principle in your life.
You will start getting inclined to creative forces of nature like the art & the sciences, dance, music, fashion and the tremendous positive energy of sex through which you can attain the bliss of being one with nature.
You will start living a fit life with a concept of fitness which encompasses not only the physical fitness but also the mental, intellectual, emotional and spiritual fitness.
Such a life becomes very light and a total celebration.
Further this will make you inclined to live a balanced life and even in the dominating aspect of your life whether personal or professional you will use more creativity for fulfillment and satisfaction.
More than that your life will be no more monotonous with just one area of focus but it will encompass many other beautiful things that this life has to offer.
Living such a full life will make you consciously or subconsciously move towards your ultimate purpose of life that you have chosen as per your soul's needs.
Moreover you will develop a larger world view and you will feel like positively helping others around you to come out of their negativity and problems they face in their life.
Then you will truly understand the importance of the rise of womanhood and the feminine in your life as well as the importance of transmitting the same to the people around you and the world.
Rise of Womanhood: Becoming aware of the reality Awakening the feminine principle will help you understand the current reality of the world which is so full of selfishness and negative energy.
You will become aware of the devilish forces of the patriarchal society that we are living in and how it is trying to control us overtly or covertly in many aspects of our life.
You will also become aware of the problems faced by womanhood around the world in terms of curses like manipulation, exploitation, marginalization, physical and mental torture, rape, prostitution and drug abuse.
You will become self aware and you will establish a new relationship with yourself, your beloved in your life and the world at large.
You will also start appreciating the real problems faced by the men in the society and you will find ways how you can help them whether in your family or the society.
You will be also able to give a new meaning to an institution like marriage.
Rise of Womanhood: Becoming the messenger of the supreme force Above all you will become naturally the messenger of the supreme force in your own right and you will move towards becoming one with the supreme force.
You will then discover that you don't need any religion to be forced on you from outside but you will discover the supreme force of the universe deep within you and you will move towards enlightenment and salvation without any worldly crutches.
You will then realize that there is no heaven and no hell where you will go after death but the heaven or hell is what you make out of your life here on earth.
You will understand that the choice is with you and it was always with you.
Rise of Womanhood: Appreciating the reality of life and death You will also appreciate the reality of death which is nothing but an illusion in this ever evolving journey of your soul.
As you shall start appreciating the illusion of death you will also understand the meaning of true creative and generative freedom of life that emerges from deep within you.
You shall naturally transmit this to others around you.
Rise of Womanhood: Realizing the ultimate purpose in life The more you spread the universal message of action with love and compassion, the more you will be helped by nature to move towards your ultimate purpose of life through which you will gain enlightenment and salvation in this life or at the maximum you may take birth for another life time to finish your unfinished agenda.
Rise of Womanhood: Irreversible movement towards Ultimate liberation But one thing will be sure.
With inner awakening you would have irreversibly started moving as per the wishes of the nature and no force in the universe will be ever able to stop you from achieving your supreme purpose in life.
As you will start walking through this path of self-discovery and self-awareness supported by your intuition i.
the soul's voice, you will find the traditional structures of the world around you falling apart and crumbling.
In these times of transition you will also realize that new structures and new beginnings are taking shape in your life for positive and generative change all around.
This will be the rise of womanhood in true sense.