Debts Are Obstacles to Joining the Army
They would think that this is an unselfish act, sacrificing an easy life or even your life itself in defense of the country and its interests abroad.
However, you should also realize that there are certain rules that you must follow even before you could join the army.
Prior to donning the uniform for training, you are supposed to show obedience already to superiors by complying with the requirements for joining the armed forces.
One particular requirement for example is for you to be debt-free.
This may seem impossible because almost everyone with the means to earn money in the country has a debt.
Actually, the debts that may hinder one from joining the army are those that are really very big that these could not be easily repaid.
Those small ones that could be dealt with by your first salary as a military man are exempted from the rule.
After all, these could be easily repaid.
The big ones, however, those that could reach thousands of pounds could be basis for the army's refusal to take you in as recruit.
One reason for the refusal of the army to recruit you if you have huge outstanding debts is that you are vulnerable to blackmail or to bribery.
When a person is in great need of money and if he runs the risk of being charged in court for not being able to repay the loan, he would develop the tendency of taking advantage of quick solutions that are offered to him.
As a soldier, he may be lured in to arrangements that would compel him to compromise national security in return for solutions to his debt problems.
The army could not afford to allow such threats to emerge, which is why it would rather not recruit individuals who have outstanding debts of great amounts.
Even if you would not succumb to offers of bailouts in return for acts inimical to the interest of the country or of the army itself, the debt burden could still have a bad effect on the military institution that you are a part of.
Just imagine if there is a unit with half of its men all suffering the burden of overdue debts.
That is already 50 percent less in terms of combat morale.
When a soldier has so much in mind other than fighting the enemy, he is not only ineffective in battle he is also in danger of becoming a casualty.
If you are really interested in joining the army, it would be best if you deal with your overdue debts first.
This may be tough but you could always seek the help of debt management companies to deal with these.
It should not take long before you are relieved of the debt burden.
Once you are already in a position where you would have nothing else in mind but to get through training and become a soldier, then you are ready to join the army.