The Criminal Justice Reform Act
- Under this act, social enquiry reports must include information like the criminal record of the offender, all circumstances of the offense, and the offender's personal and education background. They must also include the offender's general attitude toward both his offense and authority. A treatment recommendation must be included as well.
- Before the court may order anyone to pay a fine for a crime, it must research the criminal's economic status to determine her ability to pay, which will help determine installment amounts and payment times. An officer must visit the criminal at the criminal's residence five days or less after an order for fine payment is given. The officer must visit the criminal a minimum of once every three months to review his attitude, social and economic standing.
- For a person to be a mediator, she must have completed a minimum of 40 hours of mediation training. An official such as a justice of the peace, sergeant with the Constabulary Force, or principal of a school must swear that the prospective mediator is of good character.