Directions for Connecting a Light to a Yard-Man Snow Thrower
- Electric light kits can be added to snow throwers, running off an electric motor of the snow thrower itself or running off batteries. Most of these electric light kits come with clips, which allows the light to attach to the frame, which you push across the yard. These clips will secure the light on the snow thrower in intense snow and rough areas of the yard so that the light doesn't come off and get lost or broken. To ensure that the light stays on the frame of the snow thrower, try screwing it directly into the snow thrower's frame.
- Halogen lights provide a brighter light on the Yard-Man snow thrower for situations when the snow is very intense or you are having to use a snow thrower in the dead of night. These halogen lamps work best with MTD two-stage snow throwers, excluding models with 5-horsepower engines. They fit on 8-horsepower engines and above with screws or clips. However, if you don't have a snow thrower that can use these halogen light kits, which are exclusive for Yard-Man snow throwers, you can always purchase a halogen light in a hardware store that runs off batteries. Simply tape this halogen light onto your snow blower frame and check it between uses, to make sure the tape doesn't need to be replaced.
- There are also light kits that work for all models and brands of snow throwers; these are universal snow thrower light kits. All this light kit needs is a snow thrower that is powered by a 179 or 208 cc engine with an alternator. It is also easy to install. There is quick connect wiring that allows the light to connect directly to the alternator. There is also a universal mounting bracket that screws into the frame of the snow thrower at the perfect height. It can even be used as a secondary light on snow throwers that need greater illumination.