How to Intrigue a Man! Here Are the Ultra Effective Ways to Intrigue a Man & Make Him Want You
Many women would love to learn the art of intriguing her man and adding excitement to their hum-drum life.
A man can be attracted to you for life if he is constantly interested and attracted to you.
Learn how to intrigue the man of your dreams.
Be mysterious If a guy knows all there is to know about you right in the beginning - he is going to bet bored and look for some more excitement.
Don't let him know everything about you.
Let him be curious about you - your whereabouts, certain likes and dislikes and of course your availability! Prove your individuality A girl who shows everybody that she has her own passions, interests, activities and friends is attractive and interesting.
A guy would automatically want to be included in her circle of friends.
Show him that you are free and fun loving.
Be encouraging and available for a while You can be friends with him and drop hints that you like him.
You could go so far as to even go out with him a couple of times always making sure that the dates are fun and interesting.
Let him begin to really like you.
Suddenly become unavailable Just as he is getting used to the idea of having you around, become unavailable.
This will come as a shock to him and he will do his very best to reconnect with you.
If this does not intrigue him - nothing will.
He will chase you.
Impress him Whatever your skills and talents are - make sure he knows how good you are at them! He is bound to be impressed with you and it won't be long before you turn him on.
Hold back Once you know that he is interested in you don't bed over backwards to please him.
Hold back and be reluctant to give him your number or even go out on a date.
This will intrigue him and want to know more about you.
You can then really surprise him and call him instead.
Remember small details about him It will help to remember details about the guy.
What are his favorite sports, does he love going for movies? What is his favorite food etc? This way you can give him a pleasant surprise by asking him out to a movie or sending him his favorite pizza! He will be thrilled as well as intrigued by this girl who knows so much about his tastes!