Job Description of a Catholic Church Business Manager
- The church manager must have solid financial acumen, with a background in finance or accounting. Together with the Stewardship Commission, he is responsible for preparing and overseeing the annual budget. The ability to write expense reports, represent the parish to financial institutions, pay invoices and supervise payroll are all areas of needed expertise.
- A church manager must have a good understanding of how to manage the building and property as an important asset. Some of these responsibilities include opening and closing the building, overseeing maintenance and repairs, issuing keys, coordinating with security and soliciting bids for contracts.
- Skill in managing personnel is a prerequisite for church managers. This includes the ability to execute parish policies of hiring and firing, overseeing and evaluating job performance, managing salary and benefit programs, and supervising volunteers. The church manager must have a gift for bringing out the best in employees and creating a positive workplace atmosphere.
- As the parish's chief administrator, the church manager is responsible for maintaining parish records and documents, for representing the parish in its business relations with the community, for producing the church's communications, for being the liaison between the pastor and the church's ministry commissions and for ensuring compliance with state and local laws and regulations.