Factors Influencing Hair Loss You Can Solve Naturally
There are no doubt millions of men and women all over the world struggling to solve their hair loss problems.
All of those big name manufacturers who are producing tons of hair loss products are making a killing right now.
The bad news for those losing hair is that these products seldom perform the way they are supposed to.
There are some things that can get in the way of you seeing your hair grow back that you can fix without the use of those products.
That's right, natural hair growth is possible despite what you may have heard.
For example one leading reason why men often lose more hair than women is linked to a hormone called dihydrotestosterone, or dht for short.
The dht hormone can be a deadly thing for your hair follicles, as this will destroy all healthy ones and make future hairs grow in much thinner than before.
Eventually you'll end up with a shiny bald head if you let this process continue.
By taking herbal supplements such as green tea, saw palmetto and nettle root, you will be able to stop the production of dht in your body.
This will allow your hair loss to come to a gradual stop and then from there you can work on increasing the amount of hairs on your head.
Of those there are various treatments you can purchase such as shampoo, topical solutions and other products claiming to get rid of dht, but these are costly and often lead to side effects that you can't afford to have.
All of those big name manufacturers who are producing tons of hair loss products are making a killing right now.
The bad news for those losing hair is that these products seldom perform the way they are supposed to.
There are some things that can get in the way of you seeing your hair grow back that you can fix without the use of those products.
That's right, natural hair growth is possible despite what you may have heard.
For example one leading reason why men often lose more hair than women is linked to a hormone called dihydrotestosterone, or dht for short.
The dht hormone can be a deadly thing for your hair follicles, as this will destroy all healthy ones and make future hairs grow in much thinner than before.
Eventually you'll end up with a shiny bald head if you let this process continue.
By taking herbal supplements such as green tea, saw palmetto and nettle root, you will be able to stop the production of dht in your body.
This will allow your hair loss to come to a gradual stop and then from there you can work on increasing the amount of hairs on your head.
Of those there are various treatments you can purchase such as shampoo, topical solutions and other products claiming to get rid of dht, but these are costly and often lead to side effects that you can't afford to have.