Lose Fat With Interval Training: The Single Most Effective Technique
High intensity interval training, though slightly new, is no secret. It is, however, a secret weapon for fat loss. For those of you not familiar with the term, it's the process of doing your cardio or weight training in intervals. For example, if you were running for your cardio, you would sprint for 30-60 seconds, and then jog or speed walk for an equivalent amount of time. Continue this for 15 to 20 minutes in intervals, and you've completed a high intensity interval training session. The benefits of interval training for fat loss are dense.
- Interval training exerts much more stress on the body, causing it to release excess catecholamines and growth hormone. These two hormones are key in burning fat and staying lean. Not only does it increase these hormones during exercise, but keeps levels soaring above baseline for up to 72 hours afterward! This means you'll continue burning huge amounts of calories for the next three days!
- Interval training provides an anaerobic exercise versus and aerobic one. Without going into too much detail, anaerobic exercise is exercise responsible for building muscle. Consider a marathon runner and a sprinter. The sprinter has massive, muscular legs, while the marathon runner has very thin and boney legs. This completely illustrates the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise. If you're going to go through all the effort to lose fat, you might as well use the technique that is going to spare your hard earned muscle.
- Interval training takes less time. Since you train with such high intensity, you don't need to train as long as you would doing steady state cardio. Typically, to burn as many calories as you would doing a steady state cardio workout, you only need to train for 2/3 of the time. For example, if you planned on a 30 minute jogging session, instead do a 20 minute interval session and burn the same amount of calories. Keep in mind, you'll only burn the same amount of calories during the session. Afterward you'll burn many times the amount of calories you would if you had done steady state cardio.
Since interval training has such a lasting effect, it only needs to be done every other day to every two days. To lose fat with interval training, do it about three times a week, with steady state cardio in between sessions. Keep it up for a month and watch your fat loss efforts finally be satiated. This is the technique bodybuilders use before a contest, and this is the technique fitness models use before a shoot. Why don't you make it the technique you use to get lean and look amazing?