Asymmetrical Areola Can be Fixed
Things that are asymmetrical give a sense of something being wrong. Even though physiologically there may be no problem with having asymmetrical areolae, they appear out of place or embarrassing. The fact that typically only the most intimate relations and you know about the problem makes it that much more embarrassing. Fortunately, cosmetic surgery can correct asymmetrical areolae and get you back to looking your best.
There are many reasons areolae are asymmetrical, the breasts themselves may be disproportionate, making one areola larger because one breast is larger. One breast may be lower than the other one, giving the appearance of asymmetry when looking at the breasts straight on. The areolae themselves may be noticeably different from each other and one or both may require cosmetic alteration. Breast reconstruction after cancer is one of the primary reasons women end up with areola asymmetry.
There are several cosmetic options to restore symmetry. One of the most popular and versatile is tattooing. This art has advanced so far that almost any pigment can be matched. With tattooing, the undersized areola can be brought back into proportion with the other areola if it doesn't require any alteration. If both areolae are shaped asymmetrically, tattooing is an easy application to correct both of them to get them to match. Tattooing is purely an aesthetic treatment; it does not alter the type of skin and turn it into areola type tissue.
Asymmetry caused by one breast being larger than the other, or one breast sitting higher than the other, is often corrected with other surgical options. A thread lift on a sagging breast may be all that is needed to realign the areolae to a symmetrical position. A significantly smaller breast may benefit from breast augmentation in order to match the breast sizes including ensuring the areolae are aligned properly.
Excising, or removing part of the areola is another surgical option available. If one areola is significantly larger than the other, but too large to be the template, some of the areolar tissue can simply be cut away. This procedure can also be used if the areola tissue is not itself symmetrical, but maybe in a teardrop shape or have some other significant anomaly.
Tissue is sometimes added to a small areola through a skin transplant procedure. Skin grafts of a similar type can be harvested from other areas of the body, primarily from the medial thigh-vulva area. The thigh-vulva skin texture and color matches the areola closely, and can be transplanted with simple grafting techniques. If the color is slightly different, the grafted portion can be tattooed to match more closely.
When searching for a cosmetic surgeon to conduct areola asymmetry correction it is important to find one who is trained in these types of procedures. The areola is in a very sensitive area that contains a lot of nerve endings and blood vessels. These must be considered during any type of surgery to ensure the continued function and response of the nipple to stimulation. Damage to the nerve could cause numbness to the nipple and take away its responsiveness to external or sexual stimuli.
There are many reasons areolae are asymmetrical, the breasts themselves may be disproportionate, making one areola larger because one breast is larger. One breast may be lower than the other one, giving the appearance of asymmetry when looking at the breasts straight on. The areolae themselves may be noticeably different from each other and one or both may require cosmetic alteration. Breast reconstruction after cancer is one of the primary reasons women end up with areola asymmetry.
There are several cosmetic options to restore symmetry. One of the most popular and versatile is tattooing. This art has advanced so far that almost any pigment can be matched. With tattooing, the undersized areola can be brought back into proportion with the other areola if it doesn't require any alteration. If both areolae are shaped asymmetrically, tattooing is an easy application to correct both of them to get them to match. Tattooing is purely an aesthetic treatment; it does not alter the type of skin and turn it into areola type tissue.
Asymmetry caused by one breast being larger than the other, or one breast sitting higher than the other, is often corrected with other surgical options. A thread lift on a sagging breast may be all that is needed to realign the areolae to a symmetrical position. A significantly smaller breast may benefit from breast augmentation in order to match the breast sizes including ensuring the areolae are aligned properly.
Excising, or removing part of the areola is another surgical option available. If one areola is significantly larger than the other, but too large to be the template, some of the areolar tissue can simply be cut away. This procedure can also be used if the areola tissue is not itself symmetrical, but maybe in a teardrop shape or have some other significant anomaly.
Tissue is sometimes added to a small areola through a skin transplant procedure. Skin grafts of a similar type can be harvested from other areas of the body, primarily from the medial thigh-vulva area. The thigh-vulva skin texture and color matches the areola closely, and can be transplanted with simple grafting techniques. If the color is slightly different, the grafted portion can be tattooed to match more closely.
When searching for a cosmetic surgeon to conduct areola asymmetry correction it is important to find one who is trained in these types of procedures. The areola is in a very sensitive area that contains a lot of nerve endings and blood vessels. These must be considered during any type of surgery to ensure the continued function and response of the nipple to stimulation. Damage to the nerve could cause numbness to the nipple and take away its responsiveness to external or sexual stimuli.