Alternative Treatments For Erectile Dysfunction
Luckily, there's a wide variety to choose from, which have helped many men regain satisfactory erectile function.
Many men have used ginkgo successfully to reverse impotence, which works by improving blood flow to the penile veins and arteries.
Ginkgo should be used as a standardized extract to ensure proper dosage and quality of active ingredients.
Another popular herb is Horny Goat Weed extract, which has been used for over 2000 years to boost sex drive and treat ED.
Studies have shown that besides being an aphrodisiac, horny goat weed improves energy and reduces high stress levels and can also restore low levels of testosterone and thyroid, resulting in an improved sex drive.
The amino acid, L-Arginine is an amino acid that the body uses to create nitric oxide, the chemical that relaxes the blood vessels, in order to diminish erectile dysfunction.
L-Arginine is found in food sources such as meat, dairy products, poultry and fish.
Men suffering from ED also often have a zinc deficiency and a supplement of 15-30 mg daily can help to improve symptoms.
Before considering adding supplements and medication to one's lifestyle, men with ED may want to consider getting moving at the gym.
Research has shown that men who exercise regularly are less likely to develop impotence as they age.
Researchers from New England Research Institutes studied 593 men, ages 40 - 70, and found that men who burned at least 200 calories a day, were less likely to develop ED than sedentary men, indicating that even minimal exercise is helpful when it comes to maintaining a healthy sex life.
The mechanism is the same as ginkgo, which also improves blood vessel health, and aids blood flow to the genitals.