How to Hook Up PdaNet to Playstation 3 Wirelessly
- 1). Tap "PdaNet" on your Android smartphone's screen, and tap "Enable USB Tether." Once the application is turned on, the phone's data network can be used with the Playstation 3.
- 2). Turn on your monitor or television and press "Power" on the front of the Playstation 3.
- 3). Plug the USB device cable into the Android phone's charger port and the USB port on the front of the Playstation 3.
- 4). Scroll to "Settings" and select "Network Settings" in the PS3's main menu and push "X" on the console's controller.
- 5). Select "Internet Connection Settings" and tap "X." Scroll to "Wired" on the connection type menu, and tap the right arrow button on the console's directional pad.
- 6). Scroll to "Easy" on the Network Configuration menu, and press "X" to have the console configure the Internet connection.