Erectile Dysfunction Treatment - Muscle Toning
These various etiologies make treatment of erectile dysfunction should be individualized according to the underlying problem.
That is why person with erectile dysfunction problem should always be encouraged to seek medical advice from an expert and not try to handle it by himself.
Now, let me introduce you to muscle toning, a simple training which might help you with some of your problems no matter what is the underlying condition.
Muscle toning is a kind of muscle training.
Basically, it is similar to body building, only it is targeting different muscle group.
In body building you train your chest, arm, abdominal, trunks and other muscles that generally are visible.
Muscle toning in erectile dysfunction, on the other hand, is targeting a group of muscles called pubo-coccigeus (PC) group which generally are hidden.
These are muscles which form the floor of your pelvic.
In women, this technique has long been known as Kegel exercise, which was designed to help women regain the muscle tones of their pelvic floor after delivery.
This kind of exercise was later proofed to be a benefit for men too.
It is know realized that men also suffered from weakening of the pelvic floor, which affect their sexual performance.
Muscle toning will help men to regain the pelvic muscle tense and tone, thereby improving their erection.
The exercise itself is pretty simple and straight forward.
Have you ever contracted some of your pelvic muscles to stop the urine flow in the middle of peeing? That's it.
That is the movement that we need, and that is exactly the group of muscles that we want to strengthen.
Do the contraction repetitively at least twice a day (you can do this all day if you want) for about 5-10 minutes each.
It's exhausting and boring at first, but day by day you will notice that your strength and duration keeps longer.
To keep you motivated, make a weekly target and try to be consistent or even beat the record every day.
The plus sides of this exercise are, among other things, it is easy, free, and it comes with almost no side effect.
You don't need to dedicate a special time to do this; you can do this silently anywhere - anytime without being noticed.
You don't need to worry too much about the underlying disease; anybody can do this whatever the basic cause of their erectile dysfunction.
The minus side: muscle toning is not the definite, all-in-one-shot remedy for your erectile dysfunction problem.
Its sole purpose is to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.
If you have underlying problem, then you have to deal with the problem first.
But do not be disappointed; even if it doesn't give you the final way out, it will enhance your quality of erection once the primary cause has been eliminated.
Disclaimer This information is solely for informational purposes.
It does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider.
Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider.