Access-Able Air Travel
The rights of the air traveler for travel to and within the United States are clearly stated in the Air Carrier Access Act. The Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) was enacted to bar discriminatory treatment of passengers with disabilities when traveling by air.
In terms of having an international aspect, the rules set in the ACAA have extended beyond US based airlines, and include foreign air carriers for flights that involve a US destination. The foundation of the ACAA pertains to air travel and prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. Further, it requires that US carriers, and foreign flag carriers traveling to the US accommodate the needs of passengers with disabilities.
Tales of passengers being separated from their attendants; not being provided private screenings for passengers with very limited mobility; and disrespecting the rights to have a service animal are only a few examples of what has happened at airports. With the inconsistencies that have resulted from more stringent airport security measures, it may be helpful to print the applicable policies outlined by the US Department of Transportation, and bring it with you when traveling.
The tightening of air security measures should never be an excuse for violating the rights of passengers that are covered under the Air Carrier Access Act (again, US carriers, and foreign based airlines when traveling to the United States).
If you feel that your rights to dignity and non-discriminatory treatment have been violated, you can lodge a complaint with the US Department of Transportation at the following address:
Department of Transportation
Aviation Consumer Protection Division
400 Seventh Street SW, Room 10405
Washington D.C. 20590
(202) 366 - 5957 (voice)
(202) 755 - 7687 (TTY)
Here is a list of some of the US based carriers with addresses and phone numbers to reach them (provided by the US Department of Transportation) at should you wish to file a grievance with them regarding discrimination:
Alaska Airlines
Consumer Affairs
P.O. Box 68900
Seattle, Washington 98168-0900
American Airlines
Consumer Relations
P.O. Box 619612 MD 2400
DFW Airport, TX 75261-9612
Continental Airlines
Customer Care
Gateway 1
15333 JFK Blvd.
Houston, TX 77032
Continental Express
Customer Relations
15333 JFK Blvd.
Houston, TX 77002
Delta Airlines
P.O. Box 20980
Atlanta, GA 30320-2980
Horizon Air
Customer Relations
P.O. Box 48309
Seattle, WA 98148
Midwest Express
Customer Relations
4915 South Howell Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53207
Southwest Airlines
Customer Relations
P.O. Box 36611
Dallas, TX 75235
United Airlines
Customer Affairs/EXOPN
P.O. Box 66100
Chicago, IL 60666
United Express
Customer Service
203 Challenger Drive
Appleton, WI 54915
US Airways
Consumer Affairs
P.O. Box 1501
Winston-Salem, NC 27102-1501