Overview of the Kombucha Industry
Kombucha is one of the most interesting and fastest growing beverages in the world. Thanks in part to an increasing interest in the health value of probiotics, kombucha sales have been steadily growing, and the trend is expected to continue for at least the next few years. In fact, it's possible that growth could outperform estimates if global interest continues at this rate, but even the projected levels are quite high.
What is Kombucha?
Understanding the nature of kombucha is important to appreciate the details behind its growth. The beverage is essentially a combination of a few key components: Tea, sugar, and kombucha culture. The culture is referred to as a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast, because the yeast produce alcohol from sugar and the bacteria produce organic acids from the alcohol. There is always a very small amount of alcohol remaining, but less than 0.5%, and there is also very little sugar left as well.
It is important for the tea used to be organic and preferably black, as this provides a sustainable environment for the cultures to thrive in. After all, nearly all of the health benefits of kombucha are derived from the cultures, so it is important they are treated right during the manufacturing process.
Although the ingredients are relatively straightforward, the final outcome is a tonic filled with a rich array of vitamins, acids, enzymes, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and probiotics. Plus, it tastes really good, making kombucha an excellent alternative to traditional alcohol and soft drink. Any positive buzz one feels is purely natural and the result of powerful nutrition supporting the body.
The Kombucha Industry
Unlike most beverage types, there are no large players which control the kombucha industry. While there are dozens of regional brewers, a few companies dominate current sales. The largest is Synergy Drinks, also known as GT Synergy. Other leaders include High Country and REED's Culture Club.
In terms of sales, growth from 2011 to 2012 was 27%, and sales reached $370 million. By 2015, sales are expected to reach $500 million. Beyond that no estimates can be reasonably accurate, but what's for certain is this - kombucha will continue to become more popular in the future, and is poised to be around for a long time.
For now, most sales take place in health food stores, but direct distribution is also becoming more popular. Regional distributors, rather than large beverage producers, are more capable of serving individual customers directly, so both distribution mediums can be expected to grow over the next several years.
What is Kombucha?
Understanding the nature of kombucha is important to appreciate the details behind its growth. The beverage is essentially a combination of a few key components: Tea, sugar, and kombucha culture. The culture is referred to as a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast, because the yeast produce alcohol from sugar and the bacteria produce organic acids from the alcohol. There is always a very small amount of alcohol remaining, but less than 0.5%, and there is also very little sugar left as well.
It is important for the tea used to be organic and preferably black, as this provides a sustainable environment for the cultures to thrive in. After all, nearly all of the health benefits of kombucha are derived from the cultures, so it is important they are treated right during the manufacturing process.
Although the ingredients are relatively straightforward, the final outcome is a tonic filled with a rich array of vitamins, acids, enzymes, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and probiotics. Plus, it tastes really good, making kombucha an excellent alternative to traditional alcohol and soft drink. Any positive buzz one feels is purely natural and the result of powerful nutrition supporting the body.
The Kombucha Industry
Unlike most beverage types, there are no large players which control the kombucha industry. While there are dozens of regional brewers, a few companies dominate current sales. The largest is Synergy Drinks, also known as GT Synergy. Other leaders include High Country and REED's Culture Club.
In terms of sales, growth from 2011 to 2012 was 27%, and sales reached $370 million. By 2015, sales are expected to reach $500 million. Beyond that no estimates can be reasonably accurate, but what's for certain is this - kombucha will continue to become more popular in the future, and is poised to be around for a long time.
For now, most sales take place in health food stores, but direct distribution is also becoming more popular. Regional distributors, rather than large beverage producers, are more capable of serving individual customers directly, so both distribution mediums can be expected to grow over the next several years.