Top 10 Alternative Treatments for Depression
- Herbal supplements are used worldwide for treatment of depression. For treatment of depression in Germany, St. John's wort is prescribed more often than antidepressants. The herb has a long medicinal history, and modern clinical studies show that its active compound, hypericin, produced significant improvement in anxiety, depression and feelings of worthlessness. Ginkgo biloba has also been used to provide relief from depression. The herb improves blood circulation to the brain, which improves memory and other intellectual functions. Although an individual benefits from the consumption of ginkgo, it is believed to be not as effective as St. John's wort.
Other less studied supplements are licorice, ginseng and ginger. Although herbal remedies are a preferred treatment for depression for some, not all herbs are safe. It is important to discuss which herbs and what dosage is right for you. - Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese method of healing, is listed by the World Health Organization as an effective treatment for depression. It is theorized that acupuncture corrects imbalances of energy flow (Qi). Balanced flow is essential for health, and disease occurs when flow patterns are disrupted. In acupuncture, very fine needles placed at identifiable points in the body stimulate blood flow and may also prompt the body to produce chemicals that decrease or eliminate painful sensations. According to the American Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, studies show that acupuncture markedly lessens symptoms of depression.
- In the treatment of depression, aromatherapy is another alternative. This particular therapy method has been around for more than 6,000 years and consists of pure essential and absolute oils that have been steam distilled or cold pressed from a wide variety of plants. These oils can be inhaled or used topically. In aromatherapy, it is believed that certain aromas can lower stress levels, affect mood and change perceptions of pain. To ease symptoms of depression, scents of frankincense, sweet marjoram, jasmine, rose or sage are frequently used.
- Chromatherapy, or color therapy, is a Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) technique in which colors and light are used to balance physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy. Scientists have found that people experience physiological changes when they are exposed to certain colors of light. It has also been reported that colors can stimulate emotional reactions and alter mood. In color therapy, a chromotherapist applies color and light to specific areas of the body using one of several common tools: candles, wands, prisms, colored fabric, gemstones, bath treatments, colored glass or lenses, or colored lights. The amount of the color is considered more important than how it is administered, because colors are associated with both positive and negative effects. In short, using too much or too little can adversely affect health. For example, the color red is associated with the heart, so overexposure could cause hypertension in certain individuals. Different colors affect people differently.
- The University of Wales found that training those suffering from depression in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), also called depression meditation, helps to prevent a relapse of depression by helping to manage negative thoughts. Meditation is form of relaxation in which a person purposefully enters an altered state of consciousness. When the body is at rest, the individual clears the mind by focusing on breathing or on one thought, which can be a word, a phrase or a particular scene. This is done in an effort to take the mind away from "mind clutter" (negative and stressful thoughts). The ultimate goal in mediation is to think of nothing and find inner peace. Meditation provides "freedom" from the negative mindset while conjuring up positive energy and effectively changing mental patterns and behavior. The practice takes at least 10 minutes a day to complete and results in a relaxation response that can lead to decreases in sweat production, oxygen consumption, catecholamine production (chemicals associated with the stress response) and cortisol production (stress hormone). Studies show that those who meditate manage stress better, demonstrate improvements in their relationships and are overall happier in life.