Herbal hair regenerator for male baldness treatment FAQs
Can there be a relapse of the disease after several periods of seemingly successful treatment?
Answer: Generally speaking, hair loss can be brought under control within 5 to 15 days, and metabolism will become normal again. In 10 to 30 days of continual application new hair can be seen growing up, though very fine and lacking in luster. For patients of a low degree of seriousness, good therapeutic effect can be achieved in 3 months. For patients of medium and high degrees of seriousness, a relatively longer time would be required, perhaps two or three periods of treatment. Early discontinuance will adversely affect the result of treatment. This is certainly not evidence of relapse. To patients of seborrheic hair loss of the first six degrees of seriousness I must give a suggestion or warning. Don't take it for granted that your disease has been cured. Three months may seem to be a very long time. As a matter of fact, you have gone through only one period of treatment. If you stop at that juncture, hair regrowth will be retarded, and the phenomenon of hair loss will reappear. This is certainly not a relapse, either.
In order to achieve the optimum result, it is necessary for you to go on with spraying Evergreen two to three times a week even when you are confident that your disease has been cured.
Is there any age limit for success in the treatment of hair loss?
Answer: Generally speaking, there is no clear line of demarcation regarding age between those who can be treated with success and those who cannot. Success depends chiefly upon the length of the case history, the degree of severity of the case, and the patient's sensitivity to the product, that is, Evergreen, which may vary from individual to individual. A definite age cannot be set as the limit, but no doubt the speed and amount of regrowth of hair has a lot to do with the age of the person involved. There is bound to be a difference between a person who is 60 years old and another who is only 30. It is consolatory to note, however, that Evergreen is beneficial to any man who is not too old to need it.
How long has the Evergreen hair regenerator to be used before hair loss can be stopped? How long has one to wait in order to see the growth of new hair?
Answer: the patient can be sure that hair loss will stop within 3 to 5 days after he starts using the Evergreen hair regenerator. The time when hair ceases to fall off is also the time when new hair begins to grow out. You can see new hair grow out in a month. There is a way to observe this phenomenon happen. Separate the hair along a line at the afflicted part of the scalp. Illuminate that place with a flashlight. Take a lateral view of the place with the help of a magnifying glass of sufficient magnifying power. You can see very fine new hair growing up. This observation is easy to make especially when the hair has been washed and dried in the shade.
People often have the mistaken notion that only males can lose hair and that alopecia is a physiological defect the gentle sex is exempt from. As a matter of fact, almost 20% of females in the world are in dire need of protection from the frightful menace of losing their beautiful hair. Most of them have never imagined that there is such a possibility in a woman's life. First of all, there is the female pattern alopecia, which is somewhat similar to the male pattern baldness, though much less severe. Women seem now to be increasingly threatened by what is called diffuse idiopathic alopecia, the cause of which has not yet been definitely ascertained. It is an insidious disease which may not be apparent until about 80% of the hair is lost, and is then manifest as a diffuse thinning of the hair over the entire scalp.
Answer: Generally speaking, hair loss can be brought under control within 5 to 15 days, and metabolism will become normal again. In 10 to 30 days of continual application new hair can be seen growing up, though very fine and lacking in luster. For patients of a low degree of seriousness, good therapeutic effect can be achieved in 3 months. For patients of medium and high degrees of seriousness, a relatively longer time would be required, perhaps two or three periods of treatment. Early discontinuance will adversely affect the result of treatment. This is certainly not evidence of relapse. To patients of seborrheic hair loss of the first six degrees of seriousness I must give a suggestion or warning. Don't take it for granted that your disease has been cured. Three months may seem to be a very long time. As a matter of fact, you have gone through only one period of treatment. If you stop at that juncture, hair regrowth will be retarded, and the phenomenon of hair loss will reappear. This is certainly not a relapse, either.
In order to achieve the optimum result, it is necessary for you to go on with spraying Evergreen two to three times a week even when you are confident that your disease has been cured.
Is there any age limit for success in the treatment of hair loss?
Answer: Generally speaking, there is no clear line of demarcation regarding age between those who can be treated with success and those who cannot. Success depends chiefly upon the length of the case history, the degree of severity of the case, and the patient's sensitivity to the product, that is, Evergreen, which may vary from individual to individual. A definite age cannot be set as the limit, but no doubt the speed and amount of regrowth of hair has a lot to do with the age of the person involved. There is bound to be a difference between a person who is 60 years old and another who is only 30. It is consolatory to note, however, that Evergreen is beneficial to any man who is not too old to need it.
How long has the Evergreen hair regenerator to be used before hair loss can be stopped? How long has one to wait in order to see the growth of new hair?
Answer: the patient can be sure that hair loss will stop within 3 to 5 days after he starts using the Evergreen hair regenerator. The time when hair ceases to fall off is also the time when new hair begins to grow out. You can see new hair grow out in a month. There is a way to observe this phenomenon happen. Separate the hair along a line at the afflicted part of the scalp. Illuminate that place with a flashlight. Take a lateral view of the place with the help of a magnifying glass of sufficient magnifying power. You can see very fine new hair growing up. This observation is easy to make especially when the hair has been washed and dried in the shade.
People often have the mistaken notion that only males can lose hair and that alopecia is a physiological defect the gentle sex is exempt from. As a matter of fact, almost 20% of females in the world are in dire need of protection from the frightful menace of losing their beautiful hair. Most of them have never imagined that there is such a possibility in a woman's life. First of all, there is the female pattern alopecia, which is somewhat similar to the male pattern baldness, though much less severe. Women seem now to be increasingly threatened by what is called diffuse idiopathic alopecia, the cause of which has not yet been definitely ascertained. It is an insidious disease which may not be apparent until about 80% of the hair is lost, and is then manifest as a diffuse thinning of the hair over the entire scalp.