Multiply and Replenish the Earth - Being Environmentally Reverent - A Mormon Blogger Persepective fr
To replenish (v.) - To return that which is borrowed, taken or used; To fill or make complete again; add a new stock or supply to; To inspire or nourish. In my opinion, the command to replenish the Earth could be the single war cry of environmentalists wanting to show the world that it is God's charge to maintain and take care of the earth we live in - to be "carbon-neutral". It seems to me that a modern day application of this commandment would mean that we are to put back into the Earth what we take out of it. In a way this reminds me of the old phrase parents tell to their children, "Leave your room better than you found it." To some extent it would seem that "to multiply and replenish" could be interpreted as the commandment to "leave this world better than you found it." That means to plant and to maintain a garden as we eat food everyday. This also means that as we drive our cars to work or other forms of travel that have a negative impact on the air quality and other environmental impacts, we should also consider ways to balance those effects towards the positive. This could be done through recycling, this could be planting trees and maintaining our yards. As with all commandments, being environementally reverent is not for us to brag about, or makie a production on how well we are keeping this commandment. We can do our part within the spheres of our control and that is the effort for which we will be judged. In short, this means to produce as much, if not more than we consume. In being righteous to this commandment we are blessed with an abundance as a society.In following this precept we can be a positive force, not a condeming or controlling force compelling everyone to be environmentally concious. In this commandment, like others, we should seek to maintain a balance for good in the world.