Are You 100%?
During the course of our chat he revealed that he had given up a deeply entrenched habit (read: addiction) about 10 years earlier, and that it occurred in a most "miraculous" way.
He simply found himself asking this question: "Since I don't know how long I'm going to be on the planet, do I really want to spend any part of that time at less than 100%? " The answer came back so profoundly clear that he simply dropped the habit, no withdrawals, no resistance...
just dropped it! And he hasn't looked back.
My question to you as we stand on week month #2 of a brand new year is: What is keeping you from operating at 100%? What would have to change in 2007 for it to be a 100% year? Or even an 80% year? Just imagine being 80-100% physically, mentally, emotionally, technologically, spiritually available this year! It's staggering to imagine the possibilities.
It's so easy to slump into the habits of "same old, same old".
Maybe it's time for a radical restructuring, a real shake-up in your status quo.
What would that look like? Here are some questions I hope will challenge you to do whatever it takes this year to be 100%: * What is standing in the way of my being fully, 100% physically well, healthy, fit and vitally alive? * What mental habit or new learning would help me function at 100% this year? Would I need to learn a new skill, a second language, take up a hobby, return to school to pursue a degree or specialized training? * What emotional garbage is it time to heal, get over or let go of? What keeps you from being 100% emotionally present and alive? * What technologies would you add that would blast you toward higher effectiveness, productivity and profit? What new system (mechanical, digital or human) would simplify your life or eliminate some repetitive, time-consuming or emotionally draining chore? * Finally, is this the year to connect with that "something" on a higher level? Do you feel a longing to discover or reconnect with your spiritual core? Is that the missing link that will take you to 100%? Have a conversation with yourself this week and listen for the truth that's waiting to bubble up from your core.
I'm convinced that everyone of us contains the seeds of potential, promise, and purpose that are so powerful we could literally change the course of history.
Are you up to the challenge of changing your own future and thus history in 2007? What will it take to operate at 100%? It's a grand adventure, one we'll all be the better for taking on.
I'm ready to get going.
Are you? Blessings, Betty *********************** Quote of the Week *********************** "To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.
" ~~Ralph Waldo Emerson