How to Interact with Women
Starting a conversation with a woman without fear of rejection can be a tall order. Getting rejected is something men have to deal with - although when you begin to learn you will soon realise that these rejections are not actually rejections. The reality is that women who are not interested will politely say they have boyfriends or sweetly reject their overtures. The worst-case scenario is for a woman to walk away from a man without saying anything, but cases like this are few and far-between. The thing is that men are not rejected most of the time.
The proper attitude for a man to start a conversation is not to worry at all and be care free. She will not yell or slap a man. If he ever gets rejected, he will recover from the initial shock very quickly. He has to stop thinking though that he is not good enough for her. With enough confidence a man can warm himself easily to a woman.
Approaching a woman is another thing men should do to interact with women. A man should not be scared when he approaches a woman nor feel beneath her. Like all human beings, women are imperfect and are prone to flaws themselves. He has to be relaxed and treat her as a long lost friend or friendly acquaintance. Moreover, women should not be put in pedestals.
Next, men should eliminate their fear of rejection. Women are not monsters who will gobble them up. Failure or 'feedback' is inevitable in many cases, but the secret is not to take feedback personally. Women have different tastes. They may prefer blonds, chiseled bodied hunks, gorgeous studs, tall men, and even diminutive guys who are intelligent. Basically, it is just the case of a dog barking in the wrong tree. Also, out of ten girls, seven may reject (give feedback) a man, but the three may also be interested with him after all.
Flirting with women and maintaining eye contact is the fun part. It shows confidence in interacting with women. A man can flirt by asking something that is relevant in the given situation. An example would be a man asking what kind of coffee a girl likes when they meet by chance at Starbucks or coffee house. A sassy comment is another way to interact with women.