Drink Your Greens: 10 Top Tips for Juicing Greens and Wheatgrass
Let's learn some important green leafy vegetable and wheatgrass juicing tips to get the most from our home juicers.
Not all juicers can accommodate green leafy vegetables or wheatgrass, so the first step is choosing the right juicer.
For leafy green vegetables, a masticating or triturating (twin gear) juicer is the way to go.
These are the only types that can efficiently juice greens.
Triturating juicers are very efficient but are also quite expensive.
For wheatgrass, the choice is between a masticating juicer, a more expensive triturating (twin gear) juicer or a wheatgrass-only juicer.
Wheatgrass-only juicers come in manual and electric models.
The manual ones can be relatively inexpensive.
So now you are ready to get juicin'! Here are our top green leafy vegetable and wheatgrass juicing tips: 1.
The most versatile and affordable juicer for both wheatgrass and leafy greens as well as all other fruits and vegetables is the single-gear masticating juicer.
However, if you can afford one, a triturating juicer is excellent at extracting every last bit of juice from fruits and vegetables.
One of our favorite wheatgrass juicing tips also works with sprouts and some herbs.
Wrap a bundle of wheatgrass in a larger green leafy vegetable, such as kale or lettuce.
You will find it is easier to feed into the juicer's chute now that it is in a compact "package.
" 3.
Wheatgrass juice and green leafy vegetable juice are both very high in chlorophyll.
To get the most from your green juices, drink them within half an hour of juicing.
Heat and oxidation can damage chlorophyll.
Wheatgrass is incredibly easy to grow indoors.
However, did you know how easy it is to grow leafy green vegetables like lettuce and Swiss chard? Try growing your own organic vegetables for juicing.
Clean your juicer as soon as you use it.
Wheatgrass and leafy greens can leave difficult-to-remove pieces that get dried onto the inner workings of the juicer, becoming hard to clean.
Some of the most important wheatgrass juicing tips are actually wheatgrass growing tips.
Cut wheatgrass approximately half an inch from the soil, and allow the grass to re-grow at least once before mixing the roots back into the soil and starting fresh with new seeds.
If you don't like the taste of wheatgrass, try mixing it with carrot juice, bell pepper juice, lemon juice, ginger, or apple juice.
It may be palatable when mixed with other juices to mask the flavor.
Leafy green vegetable juices are known for giving drinkers a burst of energy.
Try kale juice mixed with apple juice, spinach juice and cucumber juice with a little bit of ginger juice to add a punch.
If you're just starting out with green juices, start out slowly.
Drink just a very small glass per day until you know how your body reacts to it.
Green juices are extremely potent and powerful, and are generally recommended in small doses.
If you care about the color of the juice you're drinking and prefer that it not be brown, try juicing your greens separately from any red or orange juices.
If you only mix green juices with other green, yellow or clear juices, your juice will stay a more appealing color.
Not all juicers can accommodate green leafy vegetables or wheatgrass, so the first step is choosing the right juicer.
For leafy green vegetables, a masticating or triturating (twin gear) juicer is the way to go.
These are the only types that can efficiently juice greens.
Triturating juicers are very efficient but are also quite expensive.
For wheatgrass, the choice is between a masticating juicer, a more expensive triturating (twin gear) juicer or a wheatgrass-only juicer.
Wheatgrass-only juicers come in manual and electric models.
The manual ones can be relatively inexpensive.
So now you are ready to get juicin'! Here are our top green leafy vegetable and wheatgrass juicing tips: 1.
The most versatile and affordable juicer for both wheatgrass and leafy greens as well as all other fruits and vegetables is the single-gear masticating juicer.
However, if you can afford one, a triturating juicer is excellent at extracting every last bit of juice from fruits and vegetables.
One of our favorite wheatgrass juicing tips also works with sprouts and some herbs.
Wrap a bundle of wheatgrass in a larger green leafy vegetable, such as kale or lettuce.
You will find it is easier to feed into the juicer's chute now that it is in a compact "package.
" 3.
Wheatgrass juice and green leafy vegetable juice are both very high in chlorophyll.
To get the most from your green juices, drink them within half an hour of juicing.
Heat and oxidation can damage chlorophyll.
Wheatgrass is incredibly easy to grow indoors.
However, did you know how easy it is to grow leafy green vegetables like lettuce and Swiss chard? Try growing your own organic vegetables for juicing.
Clean your juicer as soon as you use it.
Wheatgrass and leafy greens can leave difficult-to-remove pieces that get dried onto the inner workings of the juicer, becoming hard to clean.
Some of the most important wheatgrass juicing tips are actually wheatgrass growing tips.
Cut wheatgrass approximately half an inch from the soil, and allow the grass to re-grow at least once before mixing the roots back into the soil and starting fresh with new seeds.
If you don't like the taste of wheatgrass, try mixing it with carrot juice, bell pepper juice, lemon juice, ginger, or apple juice.
It may be palatable when mixed with other juices to mask the flavor.
Leafy green vegetable juices are known for giving drinkers a burst of energy.
Try kale juice mixed with apple juice, spinach juice and cucumber juice with a little bit of ginger juice to add a punch.
If you're just starting out with green juices, start out slowly.
Drink just a very small glass per day until you know how your body reacts to it.
Green juices are extremely potent and powerful, and are generally recommended in small doses.
If you care about the color of the juice you're drinking and prefer that it not be brown, try juicing your greens separately from any red or orange juices.
If you only mix green juices with other green, yellow or clear juices, your juice will stay a more appealing color.