Video: Guitar Dyads & Chords
Video Transcript
Now we've talked a lot about playing single notes or single strings on the guitar. Now if you play two strings together, essentially two notes together you get what's called a dyad. So, for example, if I pick two strings at the same time, you would say that's a dyad. This is a B note and an E note. So that right there would be considered a dyad. Now if you play more than two notes together or two strings on the guitar, you would have a chord. So, if I pick three strings at the same time that would be considered a chord. Now, oftentimes on the guitar you'll play three, four, five, even six notes at the same time, and you get the chord sounds that you're accustomed to hearing. And each of those chords has a letter name associated with it. We'll get that in, in another series.