Ten Things to Know About Lymphoma
2. Our lymph system is a very important part of our bod, because it has to fight against any infections or disease. So you can understand why, lymphoma is a very serious disease that has to be treated accordingly.
3. The Hodgkin lymphoma is more common than non Hodgkin lymphoma and can be easily recognised from the other lymphoma type by the presence of an unique cell. Furthermore, the pattern of spread of this particular lymphoma type is more predictable and it is usually limited.
4. Hodgkin lymphoma is, ironically, more likely to spread and begin from organs other organs than liver or the bones, that are lymph nodes.
5. Non- Hodgkin lymphoma can be divided in no less then ten types. Some of these lymphoma types spread quicker than others. To determine what type of non- Hodgkin lymphoma you have, the doctor must analyze, under a microscope, the cells. These cells, in turn, can be grouped in: high, intermediate and low grade lymphoma. This depends on how quickly these cells spread.
6. The cause of lymphoma is unknown. There are some lymphoma cases where the doctors can estimate what the cause might be, but in general most lymphomas have no known cause.
7. There are many lymphoma symptoms. One of the most known non Hodgkin lymphoma symptom is a swelling of the neck lymph nodes, that produces no pain. Fever, loss of weight, tiredness or night sweats can also indicate that you are suffering from lymphoma.
8. Some less common lymphoma symptoms that one may suffer from are: abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting.
9. As lymphoma progresses, your body is less and less able to fight off any infections. Even if the symptoms that you have may be similar to those of cancer, it can also be the flu or any other infections. However, if the signs that you experience last more than a couple of week, you should see a doctor right away.
10. There are many ways of treating lymphoma, based on the type of the disease, the stage you are in or based on whether it is rapid or slow- growing. Another important aspect that has to be taken into consideration in treating lymphoma is the age of the patient.
So, if you want to find out more about mantle cell lymphoma or even about non hodgkins lymphoma please visit this link http://www.lymphoma-center.com/