Things You Should Do While Having An Eye Strain
Symptoms that Cause Eye Strains
Some of the commonly experienced symptoms that cause eye strains include redness in eyes, itching due to dryness, profuse watering, headache, and painful neck and back regions. All these are commonly seen symptoms in people who either work for long hours on their computer systems or have sleepless nights due to other reasons. It also happens while working in poor light conditions.
What can you do to reduce it or prevent it?
If the pain is on the milder side, you can do the following things to avoid having further strain on your eyes:
Give a gentle message around eyes and the temples of your forehead as it is a relaxing way to calm your eyes and relax them a bit. Second thing, which usually should be a mandatory practice for those who sit on computer for long hours, is to redirect the focus of your eyes elsewhere in order to relax them a little. To do so, one can take short breaks and take a stroll in order to break the monotony. The last but not the least, if possible close eyes for some time and take a nap to reduce pain.
Other preventive measures in order to take care of your eyes and keep such ailments away from you is to splash water several times on your eyes as it helps in reducing eye stress to a large extent. Do not avoid it as it can also prove to be fatal in the long run and cause other kinds of health hazards.
If the pain is unbearable visiting an optometrist is the only solution to make your eyes normal. Make sure to visit reputed eye care center and consult your case with experienced ophthalmologist in order to get relief from painful symptoms of eye strains.