Am I A Scrooge?
From the looks of me, you wouldn't know that I'm a scrooge.
I give presents happily to my kids and to others (if I have to), but I am most definitely a scrooge.
The Christmas Spirit, that 'special feeling,' the notion that 'this is the best time of the year' just doesn't hit me anymore.
Frankly, after 46 years of fake Christmas trees, tinsel, big red ribbons, worn out jingles and lights, the Christmas bulbs inside this old, hardened heart have just burned out I guess.
When I was a child I thought of Christmas as something magical and full of excitement.
It truly was the best time of the year.
Now all I can think of are shopping malls, mad rushes both at work and shopping, obligations to relatives we aren't even close to, and to tell the truth, I don't even know what it is exactly that we're supposed to be celebrating.
Whether you're a Christian or not, you have to admit that it is a Christian holiday, nominally speaking.
But as far as I can recall from the Bible I believe it was the death and resurrection of Christ that was the really important thing, not so much his birth.
And it's puzzling, because for us grown ups I don't see what Santa Claus and elves have to do with anything at all.
One can only imagine how the birth of Christ came to become a fat jolly old man in a red suit who makes toys for with a bunch of elves.
Actually, the date of Christmas comes actually from another religion that rivaled Christianity at the time of Christ.
The Santa Claus image is actually that of St.
The present giving custom was also borrowed from another religion at the time of Christ.
So how did we get from the birth of Christ to jolly old st.
nic? Nobody really knows.
I guess it is more popular for children the way it is.
So, I guess I'm not really a scrooge, but just a little disappointed that the way that Christmas is celebrated.
In my opinion, it should be more about the birth of Christ than about receiving presents.
When people learn the true meaning of Christmas, then I think I will be more apt to celebrate it.