How to Get a Payday Loan Quick
- 1). Research companies in your area providing payday loans. Understand the difference in lenders, fees and other details. Decide which company works best for you.
- 2). Gather materials necessary to apply for a loan. Payday loans applied for in person at the company's location will require visual confirmation of income from the paycheck stub. The entry of similar relevant information is required for online payday loans.
- 3). Provide the paycheck stub to the payday loan clerk at the office location, or enter the relevant information in the online form. Give accurate, non-falsified information; verification will occur, and could delay the payday loan if not accurate.
- 4). Deliver the paycheck to the payday loan office, to be cashed when the term of the loan expires. Enter checking account information if using an online payday loan service. Sign the agreement, and electronically submit if online.
- 5). Receive cash from the payday loan agent, or await confirmation of approval from the online payday loan company. Access the deposited loan from your checking account upon online approval and delivery.