Child Behaviour Problems - What Are the Main Causes?
The most common type of child behaviour problems are the tantrums.
I'm sure you're more than aware of what these are, but why do young children do this? Well they are emotional responses that toddlers make because they have not developed language skills and social skills and are letting off steam, perhaps because they didn't get their own way.
Now the main things that cause temper tantrums and child behaviour problems are frustrations, being hungry and tired, attention seeking and of course now getting what they want.
Your child will keep breaking out in these temper tantrums if you act angrily towards them or you give in to what they want.
This is what I used to do and it was a big mistake.
The best thing you can do to stop your child from having lots of temper tantrums is just to ignore them.
By doing this you are telling them subconsciously that when they are screaming and shouting they cannot get what they want.
Now this technique works well if it's just a minor tantrum but sometimes you cannot do this for the major tantrums they have! When your child really is going at it, it's best not to shout at them because you are telling your child that the way to solve things is to get angry and start shouting, which is exactly what you don't want.
Just hold them and tell them that if they want a treat or reward then they need to calm down.
Now child behaviour problems need to be treated as soon as possible and when I say treat I don't mean medication! What I mean is, you need to develop the right techniques for disciplining your child and discipline and punishment are not always the same thing.
Being disciplined and being a good role model filters down through to your child about the correct way to behave whilst they are growing up.
If you do not learn the correct methods to stopping your child from misbehaving now then this could mean that they become much more terror-some in the future and you don't want this!