How to Learn Morse Code in Half an Hour
- 1). Learn the various ways to transmit Morse code. In the days when telegraphs were used, Morse code came across as a series of short and long buzzer sounds that could be transmitted over several miles. Learn the flashlight method, which allows you to blink the light in a series of short and long flashes to get your message out.
- 2). Familiarize yourself with the alphabet used in Morse code. Practice using either sounds or light flashes to depict the letters that are outlined in the chart listed in the resources section. Print out the chart as a reference.
- 3). Practice with an online interactive Morse code translator to better understand the system. Enter the message that you want to convey in the translator, and practice presenting the message with flashes of light or with sound.
- 4). Equip yourself and a partner with flashlights and a chart of the Morse code alphabet and practice sending messages at night. Use a stopwatch to determine whether you can get your message out to one another in 30 minutes or less. Practice together until you are successful.