Subjective Reality - The Game of Life
The circumstances in which we find ourselves can be quickly changed because subjective reality allows us to make energetic personal changes far more quickly than would happen if we were trying to manipulate the masses of matter formed by billions of other humans.
It is not that we are the only people manifesting change, but we are the only avatars of our subjective reality dream who are doing the manifesting.
Here's the problem.
If you are thinking and worrying about some illness, it will come fairly quickly to you.
If you are worrying about some financial difficulty, it will come fairly quickly to you.
Perhaps you know someone who was worried about some disaster, and lo and behold, it happened to them.
It is of vital importance that you keep your mind on the good.
Keep your mind on your desires rather than your fears, and get rid of the fears as fast and as completely as you can.
Be Careful of Self Deprecating Jokes Stop any joking about your children "giving you a heart attack" or your husband or wife "driving you to drink" or your mortgage making you feel so "sick and tired...
As Byron Katie says, "Life is always kind.
" The Universe will take away anything that makes you unhappy, and your Subconscious will make real anything you talk about consistently.
And, it won't take long.
Jesus said, "By your words ye are justified and by your words ye are condemned.
" So, as you've no doubt heard, "Be careful what you ask for.
" Every statement of fact is a request.
In-tuition is being Taught from Within Just as In-curable Means Curable from Within Once we know enough to be careful of what we say and think, we are ready for the next level of mind control or listening within.
This is another area that benefits greatly from the quiet listening of meditation.
This is why you don't want to go into busy action, having formed your own plan to execute your desire.
Let the Universe help.
Do be active, but also take time to listen for the promptings of Divinity.
Once you have visualized it in your Conscious Mind, and imprinted the idea in your Subconscious Mind, then your Superconscious Mind packages it for the Creative process.
Divinity will partner with you in bringing it into your Subjective reality.
Have faith for this will come as surely as tomorrow's dawn.
Jesus reassured us, "Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.
" Take action, but listen for directions, adjustments and teachers who appear in your path.