Hexinlusaurus Facts
Hexinlusaurus ("He Xin-Lu's lizard"); pronounced HAY-zhin-loo-SORE-us
Woodlands of Asia
Historical Period:
Middle Jurassic (175 million years ago)
Size and Weight:
About 5 feet long and 25 pounds
Distinguishing Characteristics:
Small size; bipedal posture
About Hexinlusaurus:
It has proven difficult to classify the early, or "basal," ornithopods of middle Jurassic China, most of which looked alike.
Hexinlusaurus (named after a Chinese professor) was until recently classified as a species of the equally obscure Yandusaurus, and both of these plant-eaters had traits in common with Agilisaurus (in fact, some paleontologists believe that the diagnostic specimen of Hexinlusaurus was really a juvenile of this better-known genus). Wherever you choose to place it on the dinosaur family tree, Hexinlusaurus was a small, skittery reptile that ran on two legs to avoid being eaten by larger theropods.