How To Get A Free Credit Report
By filling out a form offered by the FTC, you can obtain your free annual report by post. If you have the internet to hand, you may also apply for this free of charge service via the annual credit report website.
If you do not use Annual Credit report when applying for your report, you will have to pay for these services. The three most recognized credit rating bodies are TransUnion, Equifax and Experian.
Obtaining your score is slightly different from your credit report. This will cost you a fee. If you would like to request your free report which has been free for many years now, you simply go to the website and click on "free copy of my credit report.
A report actually gives information to potential lenders. This information includes things such as loans that have been paid, payments that are still due, how much you have borrowed and how many times you have been refused. You can look into this further by visiting
Viewing your free report once a year for free prevents any errors or problems that you may have in the future. If you have been refused credit elsewhere, this has no effect whatsoever on your right to view your credit report.
If you would like to stop the embarrassment of being refused credit in the future, you can go to Annual Credit Report and view your personal history before it's too late.
Don't get sucked into the commercial business of having to buy your report and pay a monthly fee to access your score, when you can get it for free.