Does Your Child Have Tinnitus?
While tinnitus is more common among people as they age, children are also susceptible to ear ringing symptoms. Tinnitus among children may frequently go undetected, because they are unable to communicate the ringing experience. While some children may outgrow the conditions giving rise to their tinnitus, there are others for whom the ringing continues on into adulthood, with untold repercussions on their social, emotional, physical and cognitive development.
Regrettably, it is often hard to identify tinnitus when a child has it. If the condition has been with a child since birth, that child will hardly be aware that there is anything unusual about it. If a child comes down with tinnitus in the earliest years, most likely he or she will be incapable of telling anyone about it. In certain instances, tinnitus can be revealed when parents surmise that a child is having trouble with his or her hearing. The occurrence of tinnitus will sometimes be revealed when tests for hearing issues are being carried out, but sometimes not.
Tinnitus can be of two kinds, objective and subjective, and that can make diagnosing it in children all the more difficult. Objective tinnitus can be detected by an outside observer, such as the doctor using a stethoscope or other audio device, in which case diagnosis can be greatly simplified. Subjective tinnitus, however, can be heard only by the patient. Thus, if the ear ringing is subjective, it will likely go undetected unless the child can somehow describe the experience. As luck would have it, tinnitus is most frequently subjective by nature.
If you have reason to believe that your child is experiencing difficulty hearing, then seeing a doctor is the best step to take first. Depending on the results of the initial examination, further testing may be required, perhaps by an ENT (ear, nose, throat doctor) or an audiologist. There are two good reasons for that testing procedure. First, the tinnitus may be caused by a readily identifiable condition that can be treated easily. Second, in some rare cases tinnitus can be caused by a dangerous condition, such as a tumor, so it is vital to either rule such things out, or begin treatment promptly.
In many cases, the ears will be found healthy, yet your child's symptoms still persist. Unfortunately, in such cases, the treatment options of conventional medicine are limited. A doctor could suggest trying such things as hearing devices, white noise maskers, and even pharmaceutical drugs to cover up the symptoms. It is all too possible that your doctor will tell you that there is no remedy, and learning to deal with the symptoms is the best that can be done. At that point, do your best to explain the condition to your child, and provide a lot of reassurance that he or she can learn to manage the noise while it persists.
In addition, do not neglect natural holistic treatment and the resources it can bring to your disposal. The book, Tinnitus Miracle, is an excellent holistic treatment guide that offers comprehensive tinnitus help that could be very valuable for your child. Inside Tinnitus Miracle you will discover sound advice for dealing with tinnitus, and you will learn the best foods for your child to eat, and the foods to stay away from for mitigating tinnitus symptoms. Moreover, you will learn ways to assist your child to get proper exercise and sound sleep, and numerous natural, safe methods for driving down tinnitus. Examining a straightforward Tinnitus Miracle Review could be one of the best things you can do to help your child with tinnitus.
Regrettably, it is often hard to identify tinnitus when a child has it. If the condition has been with a child since birth, that child will hardly be aware that there is anything unusual about it. If a child comes down with tinnitus in the earliest years, most likely he or she will be incapable of telling anyone about it. In certain instances, tinnitus can be revealed when parents surmise that a child is having trouble with his or her hearing. The occurrence of tinnitus will sometimes be revealed when tests for hearing issues are being carried out, but sometimes not.
Tinnitus can be of two kinds, objective and subjective, and that can make diagnosing it in children all the more difficult. Objective tinnitus can be detected by an outside observer, such as the doctor using a stethoscope or other audio device, in which case diagnosis can be greatly simplified. Subjective tinnitus, however, can be heard only by the patient. Thus, if the ear ringing is subjective, it will likely go undetected unless the child can somehow describe the experience. As luck would have it, tinnitus is most frequently subjective by nature.
If you have reason to believe that your child is experiencing difficulty hearing, then seeing a doctor is the best step to take first. Depending on the results of the initial examination, further testing may be required, perhaps by an ENT (ear, nose, throat doctor) or an audiologist. There are two good reasons for that testing procedure. First, the tinnitus may be caused by a readily identifiable condition that can be treated easily. Second, in some rare cases tinnitus can be caused by a dangerous condition, such as a tumor, so it is vital to either rule such things out, or begin treatment promptly.
In many cases, the ears will be found healthy, yet your child's symptoms still persist. Unfortunately, in such cases, the treatment options of conventional medicine are limited. A doctor could suggest trying such things as hearing devices, white noise maskers, and even pharmaceutical drugs to cover up the symptoms. It is all too possible that your doctor will tell you that there is no remedy, and learning to deal with the symptoms is the best that can be done. At that point, do your best to explain the condition to your child, and provide a lot of reassurance that he or she can learn to manage the noise while it persists.
In addition, do not neglect natural holistic treatment and the resources it can bring to your disposal. The book, Tinnitus Miracle, is an excellent holistic treatment guide that offers comprehensive tinnitus help that could be very valuable for your child. Inside Tinnitus Miracle you will discover sound advice for dealing with tinnitus, and you will learn the best foods for your child to eat, and the foods to stay away from for mitigating tinnitus symptoms. Moreover, you will learn ways to assist your child to get proper exercise and sound sleep, and numerous natural, safe methods for driving down tinnitus. Examining a straightforward Tinnitus Miracle Review could be one of the best things you can do to help your child with tinnitus.