Tips On Praying
- Turn off your cell phone during your prayer Images
Try to find a place to pray that is quiet and away from distractions, like a spare bedroom, sun porch, or even a closet. Turn off your cell phone and laptop or leave them in another room. Consider playing soothing music to drown out noises from outside or from another part of the house. - Try praying while jogging.Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
Although you can talk to God anywhere and at any time, set aside a specific time each day to pray. A consistent prayer life will quickly become a habit and part of your daily schedule. If your schedule is jam-packed, combine your prayer time with something that is already on your schedule, such as a morning commute or lunchtime jog. - Write your prayers down in a journal.Jupiterimages/Creatas/Getty Images
Getting distracted is often a struggle for many people during prayer time. Keep focused by writing down your concerns and prayer requests and working your way through the list as you pray. If a distracting thought pops in your head, for example, "I need to remember to pick up the dry cleaning," simply jot it down and continue with your prayer. Praying out loud is another excellent way to stay focused while you are praying, and to be mindful of the things that you are saying. If you are in a place where praying aloud is not possible, write your prayer down in a journal or on a notepad. - Share prayer with other people.Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty Images
Your conversations with God do not need to be boring or repetitive. Pray about different things each day, such as your family, the nation, or a hurting friend. Give thanks to God for all the blessings in your life. Read and reflect on a Bible verse and pray about how to apply it to your personal situation. Share your prayer time with others, if you are comfortable.