Comprehending the Various Channels of Web Marketing
However, prior you entrust the budgeted amount to some ‘so called experts', it is essential for you to understand what all web marketing comprise of and what all options you have. Individual businesses may have varying marketing campaign requirements, nevertheless for selection of a particular channel, it is first of all essential to know them.
Internet Marketing Channels…
• Display Promotion/Advertising: This channel includes display of the advertisement on the third party websites in order to make the people online aware of the brand and also to bring traffic to the business's website. Few of the examples are video ads, overlays, banner ads, interactive advertisements etc.
• Pay-Per-Click Promotions: This is one of the widely used channels and employs bidding for keywords that are to be placed at the top positions at search engines whenever a relevant search is made. This improves visibility and traffic for the business. For example Google adwords, marketing, Yahoo search marketing etc.
• Email Promotions: It refers to the process of collecting potential email addresses for marketing via the email messages. The information to be email may have one or more purpose such as brand building, newsletters mailing, conversion focused emailing etc.
• SEO (Search Engine Optimization): This should probably be mentioned a little higher in the list as this is the most preferred technique to get rankings on the search engines. Earning organic rankings on major search engines such as google, yahoo, bing can do wonders and wonders for the business in a long term. It utilizes a number of techniques including on-page optimization, keyword research, link building etc.
• Online PRs: The process utilizes generating media through the online outlets to earn branding and invite considerable traffic to the client's website. Some of the Online Public Relations sites include PRweb, PRNewswire and many more.
• Affiliate Marketing: This process include giving incentives to other sites to promote your products and services against the share of profits they drive. This may involve the in-house affiliate programs, commission junction etc.
• Social Media Marketing or SMM: With the ever increasing use of social networking sites, these platforms are also being used to earn online visibility and ultimately traffic. The SMM uses are facebook group pages, publishing on digg, twitter marketing etc.
While selecting one or more of the aforementioned marketing channels, it is important to take certain factors in concern. The factors include analyzing the company's goals, budget and talent/resources available at hand. A reliable and seasoned Internet Marketing Company in Toronto can also help you to make the choice easier.