How To Avoid A Heart Attack
Heart attacks occur when one or more of the heart's arteries are blocked. Blood flow is reduced or stopped from reaching part of the heart muscle. Prior to the attack, the artery walls usually have a buildup of fatty deposits, which can cause the artery to rupture. A blood clot forms, blocking the artery. No blood flow to the heart for only a few minutes can be fatal.
Now for the good news: prevention is possible! But you can't just sit on your humongous hemorrhoid-ridden butt! Making a few changes in your lifestyle can help you to avoid a heart attack.
Olive oil, just a tablespoon a day, can help to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Simply get it in a salad, sauted vegetables or fish that has a low-mercury content. Eggs, meat, and nuts are no longer off limits. Moderation is key in each of these areas. A few eggs a week, 4 to 6-ounce cuts of lean meat and a few nuts (not the entire can) are all healthy for you. It's when they are consumed in high quantities that they can cause health problems. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your daily regimen. Minimize your salt and sugar intake.
Eating out can be a real challenge. If you are out with a friend or your spouse, share an entre. At home use a smaller plate. Drink water before you eat. Eat slower, to allow your body to signal to the brain that it is full, which takes about twenty minutes. Many people would be surprised to find they don't need as much food as they are accustomed to eating.
Let's get physical! Physical!
Oh yeah I can picture Olivia Newton-John right now in that headband and purple spandex.
The standard seems to be at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily. Thirty minutes will definitely help to keep your heart in shape, but 60 minutes a few times a week in addition will help to maintain a healthy weight too. Walking is probably one of the most popular forms of cardiovascular exercise and the least threatening for some people. Just by doing a one-mile walk outside or on your treadmill regularly can lower your heart rate and help with muscle definition and weight loss.
For the more adventurous, try swimming, kick boxing, aerobics, jogging, bicycling, racquet ball, rock climbing, kayaking, canoeing, boxing or elliptical training. Are you a busy mom? Play a game of soccer or tag with your children in the back yard! If you're really adventurous, go to the ghetto section near you and dodge bullets. The key is to keep moving.
These days, it seems we are becoming increasingly more busy to the point of sacrificing proper rest. Allowing yourself to get a good night's rest is something simple to do for heart health. According to recent studies conducted by Dr. Thomas Lee, editor of the Harvard Health Letter, heart disease is being linked to irregular sleep patterns and lack of sleep. It's a domino effect really. When our bodies are deprived of the proper amount of sleep, our biological clock is thrown off which in turn causes adrenaline to surge, which causes our blood pressure to go up, and then we can be a candidate for a heart attack. Going to sleep is not a sign of weakness, rather a sign of strength. So pop in that Josh Groban cd or Michael Bolton's greatest hits and get some sleep dammit!
Simply said, adopt a balanced diet, exercise daily, and get a good night's rest, and you'll reduce your risk of a heart attack