Call of Duty 4 Online Hints
- "Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare" has drawn millions of players online to battle against each other in scenarios such as Deathmatch, Capture the Flag and Headquarters. Players are split into two teams and must use their wits and firepower to defeat the other team and win the scenario. This is more easily accomplished if you have a strategy in place when the game begins.
- Many players make the mistake of returning to locations where they just got shot. Even if the location in question is your favorite sniping spot you must camp out somewhere else because someone is likely waiting for you to return to get another easy kill.
- The game includes explosives such as claymores, which you can place on the ground as a trip mine for easy kills against opponents. You also get flash bangs and smoke grenades, which can prove useful. Throw one in a room before charging in to put your enemies off guard.
- Lone gunmen need not apply. To succeed in "Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare" you must work together as a team. Coordinate attacks and travel around a map in groups of at least two to cover each other's backs. Call out the locations of enemy snipers to get the drop on campers.
- The game includes more than a dozen different maps, some in close quarters and others covering a wide expanse. Learn the paths through the maps so you can easily get from one location to another to surprise your opposition. Match up your gun with the map, too. For example, a map like "Creek" is good for sniping while a shotgun might be more appropriate for "Wetwork."