Article Marketing - There is No Reason to Be Scared of the Marketing Word with Your Articles
Is a dream come true for the Internet marketer.
At the same time so many of the new students, members, and mentees whom I work with, get frightened of the word marketing when we get to the topic of marketing and they are articles.
I'm here to tell you that there really is no reason to get scared.
I'm going to give you three definitions of marketing that apply to the article marketer that will calm your nerves about this whole idea of article marketing.
Definition 1 - Marketing and therefore of marketing your articles is simply applied human psychology.
Find out what people want to read and give it to them in the form they would most like to read it in.
It's as simple and powerful as that.
Definition 2 - Marketing and therefore marketing your articles is simply letting other people know what you do.
Gone are the days when you could just hang up a shingle announcing your business influx of people would just come.
As a matter of fact I'm not sure that it stays ever existed.
He simply letting other people know what you do and letting them know through the use of your articles.
Definition 3 - This is my favorite definition of article marketing.
And therefore marketing your articles is simply getting your articles in front of as many eyes as possible and as a nanny consumable formats as possible.
That's all there is to it.
Whether it's on an article directory, in an e-book, in a newspaper, or own a tele-seminar, is simply getting your articles in front of as many eyes as possible in as many consumable formats as possible.
At the same time so many of the new students, members, and mentees whom I work with, get frightened of the word marketing when we get to the topic of marketing and they are articles.
I'm here to tell you that there really is no reason to get scared.
I'm going to give you three definitions of marketing that apply to the article marketer that will calm your nerves about this whole idea of article marketing.
Definition 1 - Marketing and therefore of marketing your articles is simply applied human psychology.
Find out what people want to read and give it to them in the form they would most like to read it in.
It's as simple and powerful as that.
Definition 2 - Marketing and therefore marketing your articles is simply letting other people know what you do.
Gone are the days when you could just hang up a shingle announcing your business influx of people would just come.
As a matter of fact I'm not sure that it stays ever existed.
He simply letting other people know what you do and letting them know through the use of your articles.
Definition 3 - This is my favorite definition of article marketing.
And therefore marketing your articles is simply getting your articles in front of as many eyes as possible and as a nanny consumable formats as possible.
That's all there is to it.
Whether it's on an article directory, in an e-book, in a newspaper, or own a tele-seminar, is simply getting your articles in front of as many eyes as possible in as many consumable formats as possible.