Does Your Ex Give You Mixed Signals? 10 Sure Shot Ways to Tell If Your Ex Has Feelings For You!
A lot of times people find this difficult, but it is actually very easy to tell if your ex still has feelings for you.
Here are 10 ways to tell if your ex still likes you..
He/she talks to you still- the very fact that your ex keeps the communication with you open, means that he/she is definitely still interested in you.
Your ex is open with you still about his/her life and problems, and asks you for advice.
They call you for no particular reason- he/she will want to hear your voice and misses being around you.
He/she appears to be trying to impress you- your ex may talk about something new they bought, won or did in their life.
They changed for you- Change is a hard thing to do, but if you find your ex doing things that he/she seemed to hate before, it is to show you that they are willing to do anything to make things work again.
Does not date again- you find that your ex does not date anyone else, and if he/she has, it wasn't really exclusive.
Tried to make a date with you or see you in real life- if your ex has tried to meet with you still, then he/she is definitely interested.
Compliments you and tries to make you feel good- this is your ex's way of indirectly flirting with you and an attempt to ensure that you are always feeling great.
Gets very jealous at the idea of you with someone else, asks about your personal dating life, and always wants to know if you are dating someone new.
Your ex's friends ask you about things related to your ex- this means that your ex is talking about you, and obviously is not over you still.