Physical Development of Infants
- Although all infants are individuals and develop at their own pace, there are certain standards of what is considered normal during the first year of life. Parents can find these guidelines helpful, however they should be careful not to compare their infant with others, thinking something is wrong if their child doesn't sit up or walk at the same age as another baby. Walking or talking at a younger age doesn't mean one baby is superior to another. Rather than push a child, parents should understand why a particular skill is delayed.
- Because the nervous system isn't fully developed, infants can't control their body movements at birth and can only use their reflexes for movements. Infants from one to three-months-old can see objects that are placed about 10 inches from their faces. Most infants can respond to sound, stare at faces and lift their heads while on lying on their stomachs. By two months the average infant can makes noises other than crying and follow objects with his eyes, as well as respond to smiles. They can kick their legs in addition to opening and shutting their hands.
- Babies normally have some control over muscles and their nervous system by the time they reach four months. They are able to sit (with support) and hold up their heads for short time periods. They can also roll onto their stomachs from their sides. By age five months, most babies can roll over. By six months, they can self feed themselves with crackers and other small finger foods.
- Although babies six- to nine-months-old continue to take morning and afternoon naps, they begin eating and sleeping at more regular times. Most babies can sit without using support by seven months. Infants this age can imitate sounds and make razzing noises, besides grabbing an out-of-reach toy. As babies reaches nine months, they can usually stand while holding to a support, as well as pull themselves up and sit without support. This is also when babies begin searching for dropped objects and banging objects together.
- As babies approach their first birthday, they begin to get better at crawling. They start waving "bye-bye" and use their thumbs and finger pincers in grasping objects. Babies this age can clap their hands and stand alone briefly, without support. This is the age when they babble different words and imitate numerous sounds and activities. Some babies even take their first step before they celebrate their first birthday.