How to Get Rid of a Buffalo Hump in Men
- 1). Discuss the problem with your doctor. If your doctor suspects that your buffalo hump is caused by a certain medication, an adjustment in the dosage or a change to a different medication altogether might alleviate it. Talk to your doctor before making any changes to your medication.
- 2). Assess whether the buffalo hump is caused by AIDS medication. According to the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, Anti-HIV medications can cause buffalo humps and other types of unusual fat distribution and storage. Using non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) instead of protease inhibitors can help. Additionally, taking medications that treat the underlying causes of lipodystrophy might also help.
- 3). Maintain a healthy diet and take part in regular exercise. Extreme obesity can be the culprit behind a buffalo hump. Losing weight might relieve a buffalo hump and other humps caused by excess weight.
- 4). Determine if the buffalo hump is caused by kyphoscoliosis. In kyphoscoliosis, the spine curves from front to back, which can cause the back to take on a rounded appearance. Depending on the severity, an individual might slouch or have a hunchback or buffalo hump. Braces, physical therapy and corrective surgery are used to treat the disorder.
- 5). Discuss with your physician if a dorsocervical fat pad can't be explained by extreme obesity, a disorder or a medication. Diagnostic tests can be performed to get a better idea of what is causing the buffalo hump. Types of tests might include a bone mineral density test, blood count, CT of the head or abdomen, an MRI scan, X-rays of the chest, visual field exam, and tests that check for the level of cortisol in the blood and urine.