How to Get 50K in 1 Hour on "Runescape"
- 1). Navigate your character to the mining area south of the city of Varrock. Mine for iron ores only. Iron ores are more valuable than any of the other ores available in this area.
- 2). Travel to one of the banks in Varrock and click on a teller behind the teller glass. Select the "Bank Account Deposit/Withdrawal" option from the pop-up menu. Deposit all of the iron ores from your inventory into your bank account.
- 3). Return to the mining location and mine for more iron ores. Go back to the bank and place the ores in your bank account again. Do this (mining and depositing the ores) until you have a minimum of 511 ores in your bank account.
- 4). Visit a bank in the area and click the "Note Withdrawal" option after clicking on the teller. Right-click on the iron ores in your bank account and select "Withdraw All Iron Ores on Note."
- 5). Travel north of Varrock to the Grand Exchange. Right-click a teller at the exchange and select "Sell." Click on the bank note in your inventory to place the 511 pieces of iron ore on the exchange and type "98" in the "Price Per Item" field. The iron ores will sell, and you will receive 50,076 coins for the exchange.