Penis Enlargement Products - Which Ones Are Fake and Which Ones Work?
There are various penis enlargement products available in today's market, including pills, pumps, creams, supplements, weights, belts, extenders, stretchers, herbal teas and patches.
However, because of the size of this particular market and the subject's sensitivity, it can be hard to find credible information about which companies and products actually produce fake results and which ones produce positive ones.
To help you out, this article will let you know which penis enlargement products are false and which ones are effective.
Penis Extenders A lot of men use penis extenders to increase the size of their manhood.
These devices work by applying stress onto the penis for a certain amount of time until it produces stronger and bigger tissues and cells to make the penis grow.
Penis extenders are generally worn for 6 hours a day and, for the best results, should be worn for at least 3 months.
Various clinical tests have already been done to prove the effectiveness of penis extenders at increasing penile girth and length thus far.
Penis Pumps Penis pumps were originally used to help men treat impotence.
However, these pumps have slowly become popular in the world of penis enlargement now, as well.
What these pumps do is basically send more blood into a man's penis with the help of the vacuum's pressure; this is what will increase the man's penis size.
It has to be noted that the gains received from these pumps are only temporary, though.
Also, there are various medical risks related to the improper use of these devices.
Using them too much can also damage the penile cells and bring about other issues, such as burst blood vessels, internal bleeding and blisters.
Penile Weights Penile weights involve hanging weights onto the penis to stretch it out.
As with the penis extenders, it is believed that the consistent tension brought about by the weights will regrow the tissue cells in the penis and produce stronger ones.
While penile weights are one of the oldest penis enlargement methods out there, however, they aren't known to be very effective.
While they do have the power to make the flaccid penis longer, it doesn't really do much in terms of girth.
Using these weights also come with certain risks, including a loss of sensation and lesions.
If the weights come with clamps, then they could also cut off the supply of the blood to the penis entirely, potentially resulting in tissue death, gangrene, and other infections.
Penis Pills The role of penis pills is basically to send blood into the penile chambers in order to produce bigger and stronger erections.
In a nutshell, these pills can force more blood into the necessary tissues in the penis and make them expand as time goes by.
Doing this will then eventually result in stronger and bigger erections.
In order to enjoy the best results possible, though, it would be best to combine these pills with other penis enlargement products and techniques.
Penis Patches Generally speaking, transdermal patches are commonly known for providing certain medications like nicotine and testosterone.
What makes penis patches so attractive is the fact that you can control the nutrient delivery into your blood stream while ensuring that the nutrients go straight into your blood as needed.
Aside from that, these patches can also improve a man's sexual performance and increase the size of his erection.
And, while the majority of these patches aren't known to produce permanent effects, the effects can be made permanent by using the patches alongside penis enlargement exercises.