Tips on How to Plan to Build Your Muscle Fast
But there is one important point to be kept in mind, straining yourself for hours and then binging and purging will not take you where you want to go.
It is impossible to get what you aim for in a single day! A well planned weight gain program, consistency in following it together with a proper diet will do the magic.
A lot of self motivation is very essential for your goal to get big! The lack of this pre-requisite is the reason why many people quit such programs in spite of the expensive membership they pay.
It is also necessary to gain some knowledge on the area you work on and you must also know to apply it to increase your efficiency.
Decide the place: Home or gym? It depends upon on your nature and level of motivation.
If you have a strong sense of self motivation, then doing things at home consistently will get the job done or if you feel that you will get bored training alone at home, and then going to gym will be the right choice.
To start with it would be better if you work little but work often.
It is because your first few days may be like hell giving you a lot of ache but once you accustom Make your plan as practical as possible without being ambitious for results.