Using Positive Thoughts to Become Recession Proof
Every single day we hear it.
Bad economy.
Banks closing their doors.
The Dow Jones Average spiraling down.
What if we could silence those negative thoughts? What if we can stop them from ever coming in? Well, it can be done.
And in order to survive this financial roller coaster the world is on, we all need to take charge of our thoughts.
Ever noticed how negative thoughts seem to breed more negative thoughts? Starting your days in a negative frame of mind means only one thing...
your day will be negative.
Let's take control of our lives, our finances, and our happiness - once and for all.
Turn off the nightly news.
Change your home page to Comedy Central.
Refuse to be taken in by those newspaper headlines.
You CAN prosper in this economy! In fact, we ALL can prosper in this economy, by taking control of our thoughts.
The following meditation will get you to your peaceful place.
Go in to a quiet room and close the door.
Make sure you will not be disturbed for 15 minutes.
Dim the lights and lie down on on the floor.
Inhale deeply, then exhale to a count of 5.
As you do this deep breathing, begin to clear your mind of all the day's worries.
Visualize a broom, sweeping out each room in your mind, one by one, until they are all completely empty.
Deep in your subconscious, picture a "safe" scene.
It may be the beach, a mountain top, anywhere.
Make it a place where negativity will never touch you.
This will continue to be a "safe place" you can return to anytime in your subconscious.
Imagine yourself being at peace with money.
After all money is just a form of exchange.
Imagine yourself writing those monthly checks - paying your debts.
Imagine this time there is a surplus of funds left once all the monthly expenses have been paid.
Imagine using this surplus to create the savings you have been wishing for.
Imagine each month, it grows and grows.
The surplus seems to accumulate faster than you ever dreamed possible.
Once you have this vision, hold it for a period of 5 minutes.
Envision this beautiful, safe place.
Envision your financal abundance.
Envision yourself at peace with money.
Then, release this vision into the Universe.
Once you have completed this meditation, I highly suggest some affirmations to help your mindset.
They should be spoken aloud on a daily basis.
There are so many out there, it is best if you write them as they pertain to your personal situation.
Such as "Jane has now paid her monthly bills in full, and still she has a nice surplus every month.
" Some other good ones are "Jane always has more then enough money to pay her monthly bills.
" From this point on, do your very best not to turn on the nightly news.
Ignore the headlines on the newspaper.
Try to control what goes in to your subconscious.
It makes it much easier if it never comes in...
then to have to silence it.
Put as much energy as possible, daily, in to the meditation and affirmations.
The more energy you put in to something, the faster it manifests.
Begin to see your finances improving on a daily basis, and they will.
Soon you will no longer be controlled by the negative media.
You CAN control your own thoughts, and prosper in this economy! One last thought...
when your finances do improve, it is always cool to give someone a hand UP.
After all, haven't we all been there once ourselves? It is cool to share with those who are struggling, even if it is just a dollar.
They appreciate it.
Bad economy.
Banks closing their doors.
The Dow Jones Average spiraling down.
What if we could silence those negative thoughts? What if we can stop them from ever coming in? Well, it can be done.
And in order to survive this financial roller coaster the world is on, we all need to take charge of our thoughts.
Ever noticed how negative thoughts seem to breed more negative thoughts? Starting your days in a negative frame of mind means only one thing...
your day will be negative.
Let's take control of our lives, our finances, and our happiness - once and for all.
Turn off the nightly news.
Change your home page to Comedy Central.
Refuse to be taken in by those newspaper headlines.
You CAN prosper in this economy! In fact, we ALL can prosper in this economy, by taking control of our thoughts.
The following meditation will get you to your peaceful place.
Go in to a quiet room and close the door.
Make sure you will not be disturbed for 15 minutes.
Dim the lights and lie down on on the floor.
Inhale deeply, then exhale to a count of 5.
As you do this deep breathing, begin to clear your mind of all the day's worries.
Visualize a broom, sweeping out each room in your mind, one by one, until they are all completely empty.
Deep in your subconscious, picture a "safe" scene.
It may be the beach, a mountain top, anywhere.
Make it a place where negativity will never touch you.
This will continue to be a "safe place" you can return to anytime in your subconscious.
Imagine yourself being at peace with money.
After all money is just a form of exchange.
Imagine yourself writing those monthly checks - paying your debts.
Imagine this time there is a surplus of funds left once all the monthly expenses have been paid.
Imagine using this surplus to create the savings you have been wishing for.
Imagine each month, it grows and grows.
The surplus seems to accumulate faster than you ever dreamed possible.
Once you have this vision, hold it for a period of 5 minutes.
Envision this beautiful, safe place.
Envision your financal abundance.
Envision yourself at peace with money.
Then, release this vision into the Universe.
Once you have completed this meditation, I highly suggest some affirmations to help your mindset.
They should be spoken aloud on a daily basis.
There are so many out there, it is best if you write them as they pertain to your personal situation.
Such as "Jane has now paid her monthly bills in full, and still she has a nice surplus every month.
" Some other good ones are "Jane always has more then enough money to pay her monthly bills.
" From this point on, do your very best not to turn on the nightly news.
Ignore the headlines on the newspaper.
Try to control what goes in to your subconscious.
It makes it much easier if it never comes in...
then to have to silence it.
Put as much energy as possible, daily, in to the meditation and affirmations.
The more energy you put in to something, the faster it manifests.
Begin to see your finances improving on a daily basis, and they will.
Soon you will no longer be controlled by the negative media.
You CAN control your own thoughts, and prosper in this economy! One last thought...
when your finances do improve, it is always cool to give someone a hand UP.
After all, haven't we all been there once ourselves? It is cool to share with those who are struggling, even if it is just a dollar.
They appreciate it.