Detoxing the Soul
There is a lot of talk today about the need to detox the physical body.
But what about the soul? Our soul drives us and moves us forward.
It shows us our path.
If we're carrying baggage within our soul, we aren't completely free to carry out our mission.
Ironically, part of that mission is to release the toxic issues that hold us back.
So until we discover the toxins within our soul, we're lead in a mindless circle.
Repeating habits and creating programming that hold us back.
Our soul carries the memories of every life we've experienced.
When these experiences are negative and not properly healed, they cling to us, awaiting release.
Many individuals experience fears/phobias and have no idea where they originated from.
No event in their present life has occurred to bring on this phobia, but it exists none-the-less.
It's been my experience (personal and study) that some of these fears/phobias stem from unresolved past-life issues.
To detox the soul, these issues need to be addressed, healed and released.
Detoxing the soul takes serious, honest soul searching.
We have to be emotionally and spiritually ready to battle these inner demons.
The first step is acknowledgment.
If we're in constant denial of an issue, we're not ready to deal with it.
If this is the case, forward movement is prevented and an opportunity will have to come at a later date.
This is how we repeat patterns and repeated patterns are a good indicator of a denial issue.
The acknowledgment of our soul's shadow(s) is the most important step...
From there, we move on to healing the issue.
Healing the issue is where the emotional pain becomes fierce.
It's easier to side-step the issue, pretending it's not there.
We have to dig deep, probing the inner depths of our psyche to discover why the issue is there to begin with.
The fear/phobia itself holds many clues as to why it's presenting itself.
We have to be willing to see it for what it is and understand this fear/phobia is in the past.
Fear is something we learn from experience or it's taught to us by another, but it's our responsibility to overcome it.
Meditation and soul searching exercises can assist in overcoming past issues.
It's the responsibility of each individual to find what works for them and apply it.
After you've worked through the healing process, it's time to release the issue once and for all.
The most difficult part of releasing is not falling back into old programming.
Our emotions need to hold on to whatever comfort zone issues have been created.
This includes the toxic ones.
Releasing them means we have to move into unknown territory.
So it seems logical that if you've acknowledged and healed an issue, releasing would come easy.
But your mind will make a final attempt to hold on to that comfort zone.
Continue to tell yourself you're alright and there's nothing to fear by releasing this and moving forward.
It's our responsibility to find the courage to face these inner shadows and heal them.
Detoxing the soul is a process.
A process that takes time and patience.
It involves acknowledgment, healing and releasing the issues we'd rather keep buried.
But we'll never be free of these issues if we keep them locked inside, buried under an avalanche of emotion.
Shadow work has never been more important.
The lifting of the veils over our world brings almost instant manifestation of our thoughts.
If we continue to live in the shadows of our past, we will never be free.
We get what we ask for...
even when we don't believe we're asking for it.
Copyright © 2003 Angel Shadow
But what about the soul? Our soul drives us and moves us forward.
It shows us our path.
If we're carrying baggage within our soul, we aren't completely free to carry out our mission.
Ironically, part of that mission is to release the toxic issues that hold us back.
So until we discover the toxins within our soul, we're lead in a mindless circle.
Repeating habits and creating programming that hold us back.
Our soul carries the memories of every life we've experienced.
When these experiences are negative and not properly healed, they cling to us, awaiting release.
Many individuals experience fears/phobias and have no idea where they originated from.
No event in their present life has occurred to bring on this phobia, but it exists none-the-less.
It's been my experience (personal and study) that some of these fears/phobias stem from unresolved past-life issues.
To detox the soul, these issues need to be addressed, healed and released.
Detoxing the soul takes serious, honest soul searching.
We have to be emotionally and spiritually ready to battle these inner demons.
The first step is acknowledgment.
If we're in constant denial of an issue, we're not ready to deal with it.
If this is the case, forward movement is prevented and an opportunity will have to come at a later date.
This is how we repeat patterns and repeated patterns are a good indicator of a denial issue.
The acknowledgment of our soul's shadow(s) is the most important step...
From there, we move on to healing the issue.
Healing the issue is where the emotional pain becomes fierce.
It's easier to side-step the issue, pretending it's not there.
We have to dig deep, probing the inner depths of our psyche to discover why the issue is there to begin with.
The fear/phobia itself holds many clues as to why it's presenting itself.
We have to be willing to see it for what it is and understand this fear/phobia is in the past.
Fear is something we learn from experience or it's taught to us by another, but it's our responsibility to overcome it.
Meditation and soul searching exercises can assist in overcoming past issues.
It's the responsibility of each individual to find what works for them and apply it.
After you've worked through the healing process, it's time to release the issue once and for all.
The most difficult part of releasing is not falling back into old programming.
Our emotions need to hold on to whatever comfort zone issues have been created.
This includes the toxic ones.
Releasing them means we have to move into unknown territory.
So it seems logical that if you've acknowledged and healed an issue, releasing would come easy.
But your mind will make a final attempt to hold on to that comfort zone.
Continue to tell yourself you're alright and there's nothing to fear by releasing this and moving forward.
It's our responsibility to find the courage to face these inner shadows and heal them.
Detoxing the soul is a process.
A process that takes time and patience.
It involves acknowledgment, healing and releasing the issues we'd rather keep buried.
But we'll never be free of these issues if we keep them locked inside, buried under an avalanche of emotion.
Shadow work has never been more important.
The lifting of the veils over our world brings almost instant manifestation of our thoughts.
If we continue to live in the shadows of our past, we will never be free.
We get what we ask for...
even when we don't believe we're asking for it.
Copyright © 2003 Angel Shadow