Little Things That Will Help Save You Money - And Will Help Save The Planet!
One of the first things you can do to save money while also taking care of the environment is to pay closer attention to your water, as a lot of people leave their water running when brushing their teeth, or fail to fix leaks and drips in their homes, all of which can actually make a big difference over time - both monetarily and environmentally.
Another great move will be for you to make the switch from standard light bulbs to compact fluorescent light bulbs - and while a lot of people think CFLs will cost them a lot more money, the initial cost of these bulbs is nothing compared to the fact that they last up to 10 times longer than standard light bulbs, all while using about 30% of the energy!
Paying closer attention to your driving is another awesome way to conserve the energy you are using; by simply accelerating and decelerating more slowly, you will be able to use a lot less gas over time!
And finally, understand that there are lots of things around your house you can do to conserve electricity - such as turning off lights when you are not in a room, and unplugging appliances that are not in use - and this will save you money on your electric bill, and will aid in protecting the planet!
There is definitely plenty of debate these days regarding the current state of the environment, but amidst all this debate, the important factor being lost is the fact that this planet is a gift, and each of us should be doing what we can to make sure we are taking care of this planet; start doing your part to keep Earth green - and even though it may seem like the things you are doing are too small to make a difference, these "too small" things will start to add up, until you are truly impacting the direction of the world!