Santa Loves Cats
How do I know that Santa loves cats? Well, this little story is about one of our cats and his Dear Santa letter that he wrote last year leaves no doubt in my mind that Santa loves cats! It began with one of our cats and his letter to Santa.
He was telling Santa that he was very good throughout the year (NOT!).
He asked Santa to bring him a new cat tree.
He has been asking for a Pussicat Magic Kingdom cat tree for the past few years.
Santa brought a Molly and Friends cat tree one year and an Armarkat cat condo another but so far the Magic Kingdom hasn't arrived yet.
Of course there are always the treats and toys but just not what he was hoping for.
He doesn't give up easily and continues to ask for his Magic Kingdom, he seems to remember the being nice part in October and it usually ends right after Christmas! Apparently Santa does know who is naughty and who is nice.
This cat is sort of set in his ways and when he puts his mind to something, he doesn't quit until he gets what he wants! Last year the Magic Kingdom didn't arrive and he (Santa) brought this boy a new cat bed! When the presents were unwrapped, he was a bit disappointed but took an immediate interest in his new bed.
Before we could find the right place for it, he was in it and sound asleep! I swear he did not get out of that bed, not even to eat for two days.
He curled right up in it and just slept and slept.
We actually had to take him out of the bed several times to eat and take care of business and each time we took him out, he had a bite to eat, went to the litter box and then got right back into that bed.
I guess being nice sometimes was greatly rewarded.
This year he has been more nice than naughty! I must admit if I could fit in it, I might try it myself.
It is so soft and the cushion on the bottom is plush covered memory foam.
It contours to his body making the ultimate comfort sleeping lounge.
The newness wore off a long time ago but he continues to run for his bed when he wants to nap.
He said this cat bed was the best thing since cat cookies.
He also said that Santa hit the nail on the head and this cat bed was better than any cat furniture he's ever had! A sneak peek at his Dear Santa letter this year and the Magic Kingdom is not on his list of wants.
Go figure...
Santa loves cats, this I know! How do I know? My cat told me so!
He was telling Santa that he was very good throughout the year (NOT!).
He asked Santa to bring him a new cat tree.
He has been asking for a Pussicat Magic Kingdom cat tree for the past few years.
Santa brought a Molly and Friends cat tree one year and an Armarkat cat condo another but so far the Magic Kingdom hasn't arrived yet.
Of course there are always the treats and toys but just not what he was hoping for.
He doesn't give up easily and continues to ask for his Magic Kingdom, he seems to remember the being nice part in October and it usually ends right after Christmas! Apparently Santa does know who is naughty and who is nice.
This cat is sort of set in his ways and when he puts his mind to something, he doesn't quit until he gets what he wants! Last year the Magic Kingdom didn't arrive and he (Santa) brought this boy a new cat bed! When the presents were unwrapped, he was a bit disappointed but took an immediate interest in his new bed.
Before we could find the right place for it, he was in it and sound asleep! I swear he did not get out of that bed, not even to eat for two days.
He curled right up in it and just slept and slept.
We actually had to take him out of the bed several times to eat and take care of business and each time we took him out, he had a bite to eat, went to the litter box and then got right back into that bed.
I guess being nice sometimes was greatly rewarded.
This year he has been more nice than naughty! I must admit if I could fit in it, I might try it myself.
It is so soft and the cushion on the bottom is plush covered memory foam.
It contours to his body making the ultimate comfort sleeping lounge.
The newness wore off a long time ago but he continues to run for his bed when he wants to nap.
He said this cat bed was the best thing since cat cookies.
He also said that Santa hit the nail on the head and this cat bed was better than any cat furniture he's ever had! A sneak peek at his Dear Santa letter this year and the Magic Kingdom is not on his list of wants.
Go figure...
Santa loves cats, this I know! How do I know? My cat told me so!