Top Books on Explaining & Defending Atheism
Atheists are always looking for books to help with explaining or defending atheism — whether for their own use, to give to others, or both. There are lot more books available out there today than there was even just a few years ago, but it's not always clear which books on atheism are best. Not every book is equal in terms of the amount of information, the quality of information, or the comprehensiveness of information. If you're not sure where to start, this list presents the best of atheist books to help you explain and defend atheism.
Can a case be made for positive atheism, that is to say, that there is no personal creator of the universe who has an independent existence outside of our own minds? Robin Le Poidevin attempts to make the case in an introduction to the philosophy of religion which could be used in college courses on the subject. This is one of the best books on atheism available today. First, because it really does deal with atheism and theism generally, not resorting to arguments specifically about Christianity which distract so many other books. Second, Le Poidevin addresses a great variety of arguments and issues that are important to the debates on atheism and theism and which atheists will actually encounter. Finally, he does so in a way which is accessible to most readers.More »
Does God exist or not? According to Stenger, science may not know everything, but it knows enough and has advanced far enough to provide substantial empirical evidence against the existence of the god which most people tend to believe in. This isn't a book of philosophy, sociology, or theology: it's a scientific book, and given the very fuzzy theological concepts Stenger is trying to address, it's probably about as rigorously scientific as such a book can be. At the same time, though, scientific concepts and methods are explained in a manner that should be accessible to most audiences with at least a little familiarity with science — and all in under 300 pages.More »
It's common for religious theists to ask atheists how they can believe in 'nothing,' incredulous at how there can be any beliefs, values, or purpose outside of believing in their god. Nica Lalli is an atheist whose memoir Nothing: Something to Believe In explores the ways in which her skeptical, freethinking atheism has intersected with the religious beliefs of the people who have moved in and out of her life. Lalli remembers that even as a child she and her family were different: everyone else she knew was "something" — Catholic, Jewish, or Presbyterian — but according to her father, her family was "nothing."More »
1. Arguing for Atheism: An Introduction, by Robin LePodevin
Can a case be made for positive atheism, that is to say, that there is no personal creator of the universe who has an independent existence outside of our own minds? Robin Le Poidevin attempts to make the case in an introduction to the philosophy of religion which could be used in college courses on the subject. This is one of the best books on atheism available today. First, because it really does deal with atheism and theism generally, not resorting to arguments specifically about Christianity which distract so many other books. Second, Le Poidevin addresses a great variety of arguments and issues that are important to the debates on atheism and theism and which atheists will actually encounter. Finally, he does so in a way which is accessible to most readers.More »
2. Why Atheism? by George H. Smith
So why would anyone be an atheist? Why would any question the existence of a supernatural deity, something believed in by a large percentage of people in society? Is there any reasonable basis for atheism and such skepticism — and, if so, what is it? Why Atheism is a superior book for explaining the nature of a moral, rational and skeptical atheism. A central principle of such an atheism which he discusses early on and which he derives from Nietzsche, is that beliefs should be valued for the reasons which support them, and not for themselves. Beliefs should function as means, not as ends, and they should direct our passions rather than be directed by our passions.More »3. God: The Failed Hypothesis. How Science Shows That God Does Not Exist
Does God exist or not? According to Stenger, science may not know everything, but it knows enough and has advanced far enough to provide substantial empirical evidence against the existence of the god which most people tend to believe in. This isn't a book of philosophy, sociology, or theology: it's a scientific book, and given the very fuzzy theological concepts Stenger is trying to address, it's probably about as rigorously scientific as such a book can be. At the same time, though, scientific concepts and methods are explained in a manner that should be accessible to most audiences with at least a little familiarity with science — and all in under 300 pages.More »
4. What Is Atheism? A Short Introduction, by Douglas E. Krueger
What is atheism, and why would anyone be an atheist? Is it possible for an atheist to lead a moral, meaningful life? These are just a few of the questions which so many atheists encounter in their lives, and they aren't always easy to give satisfactory answers for. This is particularly useful as a general book on atheism because most of the discussion involves general issues rather than issues which pertain to very specific religions or dogmas.More »5. Atheism: A Philosophical Justification, by Michael Martin
Is it possible to create a thorough and philosophical defense of atheism and critique of theism? Absolutely, and Michael Martin has done just that in his massive book published in 1990. This book is not suitable for beginners. If you don't know much about arguments for and against atheism and theism, and/or don't know much about philosophy and logic, you should wait before getting this book. Despite the difficulty many readers will have with this book, it is a valuable reference work and learning tool concerning the arguments about atheism and theism. Just about everything you could want to know about the topic is here, if you are willing to invest the time and effort to understand the complexities.More »6. Atheism: The Case Against God, by George H. Smith
Is theism a reasonable and rational position, or can a better case be made for atheism and against faith in the existence of gods? The goal of George Smith's books is to demonstrate that irrational beliefs are in fact harmful and that theism and religion are prime examples of irrationality. This book provides a sound introduction to atheism — what it is, what it is not, and how it can be effectively defended against the most common critiques. It also provides a basis for atheists to critique religious faith and common theistic arguments, though some arguments break down at a couple of points.More »7. Atheism, Morality, and Meaning, by Michael Martin
Morality has played an important role in religion and theism throughout human history. So deeply intertwined have the two been that most people today believe that morality isn’t possible outside of religion or, at the very least, without belief in God. As a consequence, atheists are thought of as being immoral and lacking any purpose or meaning to their lives. But what if this common prejudice is without foundation? What if neither morality nor meaning depend upon either religion or theism? Despite the clarity and skill with which Martin writes, quite a lot of what he has to say may still prove difficult for most lay readers. A person with little or no background in philosophy and will struggle with some of the arguments.More »8. Atheists: A Groundbreaking Study of America's Nonbelievers
It's common to see sociological studies or just opinion surveys which include information about the 'nonreligious,' but what about atheists? Bruce E. Hunsberger's and Bob Altemeyer's Atheists: A Groundbreaking Study of America's Nonbelievers may be the only sociological analysis done of the attitudes of atheists alone. It would be easy for a sociological study to be very dry reading, but this is anything but. A relatively short book, it is written with wit and humor that is unusual in most of the social sciences.More »9. Nothing: Something to Believe In, by Nica Lalli
It's common for religious theists to ask atheists how they can believe in 'nothing,' incredulous at how there can be any beliefs, values, or purpose outside of believing in their god. Nica Lalli is an atheist whose memoir Nothing: Something to Believe In explores the ways in which her skeptical, freethinking atheism has intersected with the religious beliefs of the people who have moved in and out of her life. Lalli remembers that even as a child she and her family were different: everyone else she knew was "something" — Catholic, Jewish, or Presbyterian — but according to her father, her family was "nothing."More »