How to Compliment Hot Women - Make Her Laugh
If you follow these three easy and important tips, you will become a pro at complimenting women.
Tip #1: Don't compliment her appearance.
Huh? Yes, that is exactly what you are thinking right? Because all this time you have believed that women like compliments about their beauty.
Yes, you are right.
But you have to tread with care here.
Why is this? This is because women are very touchy about their looks.
There! You have received some esoteric information into the female psyche! If they think they are having a "bad hair day" for instance, and you compliment them on what you think is a shiny lovely do, they may read a subtext into it for no fault of yours, and think you are being sarcastic.
Not your fault, but you have put her off and probably ruined the date.
Next time, you know what to steer clear of! Tip #2: Deliver strongly.
Just like a seasoned pizza boy delivers his pies, you should deliver your compliments with ease, grace, and class.
They should flow naturally.
Yes, you might need to practise at home.
Ask a close female relative what she would like to hear; that should give you great insights.
Then practise on her to find out how she rates you.
Tip #3: Make it sincere.
To put it another way, if you don't have something good to say, say nothing at all.
Your mother might have taught you that in a different context.
Now you can also apply it to complimenting women.
Trust us, it is better to not say anything than to give a half-hearted compliment that she can see through.
If you are having difficulty finding something good to say, think of some habit of hers that strikes you or some work she did and praise that.
She will be glad you noticed.
Just make sure it is something you feel.
No compliments are better than forced ones.
Now we are sure you will be practicing at home first before you take your newfound prowess out into the big wonderful world.
Good luck...
we trust you have strong arm muscles to catch all those swooning ladies!