How to Learn About VAT
- 1). Go to the "Introduction to VAT" page on the HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) website and read it. Read "VAT Basics for Consumers" on the Directgov ( website. Follow the appropriate links on both pages to read more about VAT.
- 2). You can read a variety of VAT technical manuals online. Go to the HMRC page "Manuals-Subject Area" and follow the link trail to the particular aspect of VAT you want to read about. [Resources 1]
- 3). If you have specific questions about VAT, telephone the VAT Helpline at +44 0845 010 9000. The helpline is open on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. UK time. If your query is complex, click on the relevant link on Directgov's "VAT Basics for Consumers" page to submit your question via a contact form.
- 4). Small-to-medium business owners and individuals thinking of starting a business can go to business advice open days to learn more about VAT. Follow the link trail from the HMRC "Introduction to VAT" page to book a place at one of the upcoming open days.
- 5). At the business advice open day, attend the seminars on VAT. You can also book a one-to-one session with a VAT adviser.
- 6). To find more events where you can get information on VAT, go to the Business Link "Find Events" page and type "VAT" into the keywords search field at the top of the page. Use the drop-down boxes to choose a location and date and click on the "Go" button. A list of relevant events will come up on the next page. Click on the hyperlink below the event you want to attend and fill in the booking form that you're taken to.